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Re: makefile-mode font-lock bugs and annoyances

From: Daniel Pfeiffer
Subject: Re: makefile-mode font-lock bugs and annoyances
Date: Thu, 09 Jun 2005 09:16:44 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.2 (X11/20050317)

la 08.06.2005 19:02 Glenn Morris skribis:

Since it doesn't seem to be going away (despite this thread where
nobody liked it:
and several poeple asked for the changes to be reverted), here is a
list of problems with the latest makefile-mode.

Font-lock bugs:

1. In constructs such as:

ARCH       = $(shell uname -s)

"shell" is highlighted as a variable when it is not. Emacs-21.3 gets
this right.
I don't know where that came from. This worked right when I did it, then a change in the Emacs display engine (something about overriding face attributes) seemed to have broken it, but before I found time to analyse and report it, it was working right again.

2. Highlighting of conditional constructs is broken:

ifdef FOO
  blah blah

i) FOO does not get highlighted as a variable. Emacs-21.3 gets this
ii) ifdef / else / endif do not get highlighted as keywords.
Emacs-21.3 gets this right.
This is correct, because ifdef et al. are not keywords for make! The old makefile-mode mixed up make, gmake and automake, not allowing you to see when you wrote stuff for the wrong make into a makefile. In Emacs' own makefiles for example ifdef must *not* get highlighted for this very reason. (Maybe it should even signal an error when you type it, so you really notice :-)

The problem here is that for backwards compatibility gmake will read in a Makefile when there is no GNUmakefile. That made some people get sloppy and actually write gmake constructs into plain Makefiles. There is a keybinding C-c C-m C-g for quickly switching to makefile-gmake-mode in such a case. There you get what you are looking for.

Annoyances. These are all IMO.

1. makefile-shell-face is incredibly ugly.

Eg in the following:

  cd $(bindir) ; \
  rm -f $(targets)

I see a spoldge of grey background extending from "cd" through to the
right-hand edge of the display on that line, and from column 0 in the
"rm" line to the end of the text. Yuck. Moreover, I don't think it
serves any useful purpose.
If you don't think the extra information font-lock gives to the eye serves any useful purpose, don't use it. Here we have one little character at the end of the first line which makes a huge difference as to what gets passed to the Shell. I find it very useful to see at a glance that the two lines (in some makefiles dozens of lines) are in fact one. As for the face, I chose a background colour so it wouldn't collide whith any variable, function etc. highlighting. And the colour name, seashell, was just too tempting for a Shell command.

The other aspect is that makefiles marry two completely different languages, their own and Shell (and in the case of makepp even Perl as a third). Font locking like this makes it easy to tell them apart instantly.

2. With something like:

clean :
     -rm -f *.mod *.o $(targets)

The "-" before "rm" gets highlighted in font-lock-type-face. This is
just silly.
It's definitely not part of the command, so it must look different! In a way it's a keyword, though it's not even a word. It marks a special type of command that may fail. Likewise @ marks a type of command that gets hushed up. I think introducing a makefile-command-modifier-face for two characters might be an overkill. Especially since font-lock doubles each face as a variable, so you can set this locally to anything in makefile-mode-hook.

3. $@ gets highlighted with makefile-targets-face. I'd prefer it to be
  treated as a variable, as it used to be, because... it's a

4. Ditto for $^, which gets font-lock-constant-face at present.

I don't know why, but when I took over makefile mode, single character variables were already highlighted differently from parenthesized multiletter ones. I feel that to be wrong, but I didn't care since in makepp every single character variable has a long alias which I always use, so I don't see these. As for target face, that is an additional face for $@ because it's not only a variable but also the target. That's why it's underlined, so it can be combined with variable face, which has a foreground colour and shell face, which has a background colour.

coralament / best Grötens / liebe Grüße / best regards / elkorajn salutojn
Daniel Pfeiffer

lerne / learn / apprends / lär dig / ucz się    Esperanto:

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