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Re: makefile-mode font-lock bugs and annoyances

From: Daniel Pfeiffer
Subject: Re: makefile-mode font-lock bugs and annoyances
Date: Sun, 12 Jun 2005 20:51:17 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.2 (X11/20050317)

la 12.06.2005 17:53 Stefan Monnier skribis:
For another, when you load a .h file it comes up in C mode, even though
enough .h files contain C++. Nobody would write class or template or even
import or interface in C file, so why not have a superset of C, C++ or Java
in one mode? That would be the same as having all makefiles in gmake mode,
or, for that matter, in makepp mode because that is the superset. Nobody
would (hopefully...) write "ifdef FOO" in a plain Makefile or "and ifsys
aix" or "$((perl if( ... ) { ... }))" in a GNUMakefile. Too bad for BSD make
which is incompatible!

You're talking theory, we're talking practice: in practice 90% of the GNU
makefiles and 90% of the BSD makefiles are called "Makefile", and we should
just live with it.
The question is whether also 90% of Makefiles are GNU specific.  But I don't really care anymore.  I've been agreeing since thursday at least, to have Makefile handle GNU statements automatically.  So I really don't see what we are still discussing.

The real open point is about faces, how much of my changes to make invisible until customised and how much to rip out completely at the price of incorrect target parsing (for font-lock, navigation and insertion).

coralament / best Grötens / liebe Grüße / best regards / elkorajn salutojn
Daniel Pfeiffer

lerne / learn / apprends / lär dig / ucz się    Esperanto:

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