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Re: Mouse highlighting in header (and mode) line is too persistant

From: Jan D.
Subject: Re: Mouse highlighting in header (and mode) line is too persistant
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2006 12:45:49 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird 1.5 (X11/20051201)

Jan Djärv wrote:
Stephen Berman wrote:
However, when I checked it against the mode line by dragging the tool
bar down to it, I found that this has changed since my previous build
(from 2006-01-05): now detaching the tool bar collapses it to a single
button, which when clicked expands the tool bar (with smaller icons)
vertically.  Is this due to the following change?

2006-01-31  Jan Djärv  <address@hidden>

    * gtkutil.c (update_frame_tool_bar): Use new tool bar functions
    (gtk_toolbar_insert) so we can have tool bars of different sizes.

If so, maybe it should be mentioned in News, since the behavior is
quite different: previously the detached tool bar remained expanded
and horizontal, now it is only vertical (when expanded), and smaller.

It is a different behaviour in GTK. When you use the older functions for creating a tool bar, you get the old style of detached tool bar. Now with the new functions, we get the new style. I'll see if there is some way to make this configurable. I don't think it should be mentioned in NEWS, the GTK port has never been released (but soon :-).

The new behaviour for the tool bar is that if it doesn't fit in the window, an arrow is shown instead with a popup containing the items that didn't fit. This is a nice feature. But when detaching, that arrow is shown (a strange behaviour IMHO).

I've made a variable you can customize (x-gtk-whole-detached-tool-bar) to t if you want the old behaviour back.

        Jan D.

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