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RE: raise-frame sends lowers another Windows app's frame

From: Drew Adams
Subject: RE: raise-frame sends lowers another Windows app's frame
Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2006 11:59:56 -0700

    This change wasn't committed.  Drew, can you post a simple test case
    to reproduce the problem?  Then I could try it before and after the
    change, and see if Jason's suggestion helps.

(Moving this to emacs-pretest-bug list.)

I spent quite a bit of time trying to come up with something simple. I'm
afraid this is the best I can do.

Attached are files bar.el, hexrgb.el, oneonone.el, and

Use runemacs.exe -q --no-site-file -l "bar.el" to run Emacs. It loads the
other files (it uses `load-file', so put them in the same directory), and
sets up the standalone minibuffer frame (oneonone.el does that).

I didn't try to pare down oneonone.el at all - it's the same as I've sent
before. I'm including it now because I couldn't reproduce the problem
without a standalone minibuffer frame. It requires hexrgb.el.

The real code in question is in BUG-raise-frame-Eli.el, which I have pared
down from my library thumb-frm.el.

After starting Emacs with bar.el as mentioned, click the minimize
window-manager button in the frame (probably *scratch* buffer), to make it
tiny. Click it again to make it full-size and raise it to the front. Click
it again etc.

Now, open some Window apps - e.g web browsers. Position the tiny Emacs frame
so that you can access its minimize button while the frame is still behind
other app windows.

When you click the minimize button to expand the thumbnail frame, it comes
to the front, but the topmost app window is sent to the bottom of the frame

As I say, if I try this without the standalone minibuffer frame, I don't see
the problem. Try that yourself, in any case: Just load file
BUG-raise-frame-Eli.el into emacs -Q. and play with it. It seems to
consistently work OK.

Sorry I can't pare this down more. Hope this helps.

Attachment: hexrgb.el
Description: Binary data

Attachment: bar.el
Description: Binary data

Attachment: oneonone.el
Description: Binary data

Attachment: BUG-raise-frame-Eli.el
Description: Binary data

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