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Re: *shell* buffer in GNU Emacs 23.0.0 has faulty terminal control

From: Peter Dyballa
Subject: Re: *shell* buffer in GNU Emacs 23.0.0 has faulty terminal control
Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2006 10:26:13 +0200

Am 27.09.2006 um 02:52 schrieb Kenichi Handa:

In article <address@hidden>, Peter Dyballa <address@hidden> writes:

Launching GNU Emacs 23.0.0 with -Q I create a *shell* buffer (tcsh is
my login shell) and run git to clone some repository (X11R7.1). While
git runs it produces progress output. Different from the behaviour of
GNU Emacs 22.0.50's *shell* buffer there is /not/ one spot
overwritten with the new text, but the new text is added on a new
spot. In the end the 23.0.0 *shell* buffer has a contents like:

Please show me the output of C-h C RET in your *shell*

Coding system for saving this buffer:
  - -- undecided-unix (alias: unix)

Default coding system (for new files):
  U -- utf-8-unix (alias: mule-utf-8-unix)

Coding system for keyboard input:
  = -- no-conversion (alias: binary)

Coding system for terminal output:
  U -- utf-8-unix (alias: mule-utf-8-unix)

Coding system for inter-client cut and paste:
x -- compound-text-with-extensions (alias: x-ctext-with-extensions ctext-with-extensions)

Coding systems for process I/O:
encoding input to the process: U -- utf-8-unix (alias: mule-utf-8- unix)

decoding output from the process: U -- utf-8-unix (alias: mule- utf-8-unix)

Defaults for subprocess I/O:
  decoding: U -- utf-8-unix (alias: mule-utf-8-unix)

  encoding: U -- utf-8-unix (alias: mule-utf-8-unix)

Priority order for recognizing coding systems when reading files:
  1. utf-8 (alias: mule-utf-8)
  2. iso-latin-1 (alias: iso-8859-1 latin-1)
  3. iso-2022-7bit
  4. iso-2022-7bit-lock (alias: iso-2022-int-1)
  5. iso-2022-8bit-ss2
  6. emacs-mule
  7. raw-text
  8. iso-2022-jp (alias: junet)
  9. in-is13194-devanagari (alias: devanagari)
10. chinese-iso-8bit (alias: cn-gb-2312 euc-china euc-cn cn-gb gb2312 cp936)
  11. utf-16
  12. utf-16be-with-signature (alias: utf-16-be)
  13. utf-16le-with-signature (alias: utf-16-le)
  14. utf-16be
  15. utf-16le
  16. japanese-shift-jis (alias: shift_jis sjis cp932)
  17. undecided

  Other coding systems cannot be distinguished automatically
  from these, and therefore cannot be recognized automatically
  with the present coding system priorities.

Particular coding systems specified for certain file names:

  ---------     --------------          ----------------
  File I/O      "\\.dz\\'"            (no-conversion . no-conversion)
                                        (no-conversion . no-conversion)
                "\\.tgz\\'"           (no-conversion . no-conversion)
                "\\.tbz\\'"           (no-conversion . no-conversion)
                "\\.bz2\\'"           (no-conversion . no-conversion)
                                        (no-conversion . no-conversion)
                "\\.elc\\'"           utf-8-emacs
                "\\.utf\\(-8\\)?\\'"  utf-8
                "\\.xml\\'"           utf-8
                                        (raw-text . raw-text-unix)
                "\\.tar\\'"           (no-conversion . no-conversion)
                ""                    (undecided)
  Process I/O   nothing specified
  Network I/O   nothing specified



The world would be a better place if Larry Wall had been born in Iceland, or any other country where the native language actually has syntax.
                                          -- Peter da Silva

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