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Re: [want a bug fix for old fonts with emacs xft]

From: James Cloos
Subject: Re: [want a bug fix for old fonts with emacs xft]
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2006 13:57:14 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.110006 (No Gnus v0.6) Emacs/23.0.0 (gnu/linux)

>>>>> "G" == address@hidden com <address@hidden> writes:

G> I compiled emacs 23.0.0 from CVS and installed on on my
G> centos 4.2 box. The default face looks very nice, but
G> bold, italic, and some menu faces use old fonts

I presume from this that you compiled and are running with
the --enable-font-backend flag and would like to have just
client-side fonts (which can be anti-aliased) and not any
of the server-side fonts (which can only be bitmaps)?

I also presume you are on an X11 platform, such as linux
or bsd.

If so, either add:

   -xrm '*FontBackend: xft'

to your invocation of emacs, or add:

   emacs.FontBackend: xft

to whichever of ~/.Xdefaults or ~/.Xresources you use.

Either way, that will limit the font-backend code to using
libfontconfig and libXft for fonts.  You can also use x to
limit it to server-side fonts, xft,x to prefer xft but allow
either, of x,xft to prefer server-side but allow either.

If there are specific fonts you prefer for some scripts, this
is the syntax to use in your .emacs:

  (set-fontset-font (frame-parameter nil 'font)
                    'han '("SimHei" . "unicode-bmp"))

The script names you can use where I have 'han above can be
found near the end of lisp/international/characters.el.

James Cloos <address@hidden>         OpenPGP: 1024D/ED7DAEA6

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