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Re: Broken "C-b remapped to ..." advice in tutorial.

From: Lennart Borgman
Subject: Re: Broken "C-b remapped to ..." advice in tutorial.
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2006 21:15:57 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20061207)

Chong Yidong wrote:
"Kim F. Storm" <address@hidden> writes:

emacs -Q
(global-set-key "\C-b" 'ignore)
C-h C-t

It now contains this misplaced advice (with C-b in read):

        C-x C-b   List buffers
** The key C-b has been rebound, but you can use <left> instead [More 
information] **

(notice also that the info line is >80 chars long).

I checked in a fix.

Thanks. I fixed it once and wondered what happened to my old fix.

By the way, there are some pretty dubious features in the new
tutorial.  I think we should revisit them before the release.

1. There's no call for a special tutorial--tab-map to tab between
   warning messages.  Why bother?

No big deal, but that is a way it often works in other applications.

2. Displaying one line of warning message for each rebound key
   sequence is really annoying.  We should just highlight them in a
   different face and display the message in a tooltip, and/or when
   the text is clicked on.  After all, there is already a big warning
   message at the top of the tutorial page saying keys have been
   rebound; no need to hammer it in.

I prefer the suggestion I think Kim made to show the warning only for the first occurrence of a rebound key.

3. The tutorial-position saving mechanism is very opaque.  When the
   buffer is killed, the current position in the tutorial, without
   prompting the user (it used to save into a directory ~/.emacstut,
   but I moved this into .emacs.d to avoid homedir pollution).
   However, this saving does not occur if the user does C-x C-c or C-x
   C-s.  This feature is confusing enough that I'd propose removing it

That the tutorial state is not saved for C-x C-c is probably a bug in Emacs. I think the hooks for killing buffers is not run at exit. Should they not be run then?

That the tutorial state is not saved for C-x C-s is ... well I never thought of it. Why should the tutorial state be saved when trying to save the buffer? Is not that quite a different thing than the state of the tutorial?

The feature to save the tutorial state was there before also, but it never worked. Now it actually works I believe (it is the buffer+position that is saved) . But yes, it is a bit obscure. However I think it is helpful since the tutorial is long. Currently the user is offered to restart the tutorial fresh or use the saved state when starting the tutorial. I think that is good.

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