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core dump

From: Leo
Subject: core dump
Date: Wed, 16 May 2007 09:23:09 +0100
User-agent: No Gnus v0.7, Emacs/ (2007-05-16), Fedora 6.93 gnu/linux

I met a weird bug and I don't know if it is due to emacs-w3m or emacs.

To reproduce, in Emacs:
    0. start Emacs in urxvt¹
    1. M-x w3m
    2. Key `g' and type in url: ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/hyperbole
    3. Key `^' and see emacs hang
    4. Key `C-g' and Emacs asks:
       i.  Auto-save (y/n)
       ii. Core dump (y/n)

I am using the unicode-2 branch of Emacs with cvs checkout 2007-05-16.
Emacs-w3m cvs checkout date: 2007-05-16.

¹  http://software.schmorp.de/pkg/rxvt-unicode.html

Leo <sdl.web AT gmail.com>                         (GPG Key: 9283AA3F)

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