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Re: [emacs-wiki-discuss] Re: Renaming/changing a task?

From: pll+ew
Subject: Re: [emacs-wiki-discuss] Re: Renaming/changing a task?
Date: Mon, 05 Apr 2004 09:47:01 -0400

In a message dated: Sun, 04 Apr 2004 18:06:04 +0800
Sacha Chua said:

>If you have planner-id support (require 'planner-id and possibly add
>task IDs with planner-id-add-task-id), then simply editing it and
>saving it will work.

I have (require 'planner-id).  Is planner-id-add-task-id something I 
M-x in the buffer each time I need it, or something I (setq) in my init file?

(apropos just said this was a command, but I didn't gather how I was 
supposed to use this command.  A fine example of where I find emacs 
docs lacking.  They tell you everything about something, except how 
to use it :)

>If not, you should M-x planner-delete-task, and then start over. Or
>you can use M-x planner-jump-to-linked-task, edit the linked task,
>close that buffer and edit the original task.

Hmmm.  I'll give this a try too.

>> - Is it okay to intermingle notes via M-x rememer with more free-form
>>   notes (i.e. paragraphs), or should there be a separate section for 
>>   that?
>Sure, sure. Up to you. I usually put more organized thoughts in a
>different section, though.

For example?

>Whoops. Fixed in patch-10, I think. Please confirm so that I can merge
>it into stable.

Sure, can you tell me how to add patch-10 to my --stable arch branch?
Or, how to switch from stable to dev+patch-10?

(I'm a subversion guy, so something analogous to either svn switch or 
merge would be good :)


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