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[emacs-wiki-discuss] Confusing planner-diary docs

From: pll+ew
Subject: [emacs-wiki-discuss] Confusing planner-diary docs
Date: Thu, 08 Apr 2004 14:03:33 -0400

;; 1) You can put the following line of lisp code in your day plan pages to
;;    display your diary entries:
;;    <lisp>(planner-diary-entries-here)</lisp>
;;    You can do this automatically for all day plan pages:
;;    (setq planner-day-page-template
;;    "* Tasks\n\n\n* Diary\n\n<lisp>(planner-diary-entries-here)</lisp>\n\n* 
;;    When you open a day plan page outside emacs, you will see the line of lisp
;;    code and not your diary entries.

Should the above read instead:

  When you open a day plan page outside emacs, you will see your 
  diary entries, not the line of lisp code.


Why would I want to see a line of lisp code in my day plan page?  And 
doesn't the first sentence state that that code *will* display my 
diary entries?

Color me confused :)



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