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[emacs-wiki-discuss] questions from an enthusiastic novice

From: Ray Fix
Subject: [emacs-wiki-discuss] questions from an enthusiastic novice
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2004 20:17:46 -0400

I just started using planner over the weekend after discovering it on http://www.emacswiki.org/ I must say, I am extremely impressed with it. It is the coolest thing I have seen in quite a while.

Warning: while I am very comfortable in emacs, I am a relative novice when it comes to elisp so I am still trying to get my head around the possibilities.

That said, I have a few questions that I was unable to discover from the ML archive. Please don't laugh ;-) Sorry if I missed something.

1)  Adding tasks without a date.

I create a task (C-c C-t C-t), type in the description, then it asks me for the date. Since it is for a project that I might do ... someday maybe ... I don't know the date and so I type nil (or something) While this seems to work, is it okay?

2)  Removing the date

If there is a task that I want to get rid of the date, I go I go to the ProjectFile and C-k the date. Then I go to the Day Planner page and wholesale C-k it. Again, seems to work. Is it okay?

3)  Viewing Inline images

When I add a link:
[[http://www.bjlug.org/][Boston Japanese LUG]]

hitting return takes me to the browser and I can see the website. Yahoo!

When I add a picture:

[ [images/network_config.png] [My Network Configuration] ]

hitting return opens the file in emacs as a text file.

Is there a magic spell I can put in my .emacs to change this behavior?

4)  Listing all of the Tasks

Is there a way to list all of the (open) tasks in all of the projects. I can probably come up with a perl one-liner for doing this but maybe there is a better way. ??

Many more questions but I will stop for now. If there are any planner enthusiasts in the Boston area email me! ;-)

Thank you.

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