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[emacs-wiki-discuss] [PATCH] emacs-wiki.el bug

From: Hoan Ton-That
Subject: [emacs-wiki-discuss] [PATCH] emacs-wiki.el bug
Date: Fri, 16 Jul 2004 16:49:02 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.110003 (No Gnus v0.3) Emacs/21.3.50 (gnu/linux)


The function `emacs-wiki-project-interwiki-link' does not highlight
interwiki links properly.  The following patch fixes that by
reorginizing the lets.

* looking for address@hidden/emacs-wiki--dev--1.0--patch-52 to compare with
* comparing to address@hidden/emacs-wiki--dev--1.0--patch-52
M  emacs-wiki.el

* modified files

--- orig/emacs-wiki.el
+++ mod/emacs-wiki.el
@@ -4029,30 +4029,30 @@
          (file-relative-name dest src))))
 (defun emacs-wiki-project-interwiki-link (project tag)
-  (let ((page-publishing-directory
-         (file-name-directory
-          (concat emacs-wiki-project-server-prefix
-                  (emacs-wiki-link-url (emacs-wiki-page-name))))))
-    (with-emacs-wiki-project project
-      (if emacs-wiki-publishing-p
-          (let ((url (emacs-wiki-link-url (or tag emacs-wiki-home-page))))
-            (cond
-             ;; bad link, no prefix will be added
-             ((null url) "")
-             ;; try and convert to a relative link
-             ((and emacs-wiki-relative-links
-                   ;; without catching extended links by mistake
-                   (not (string-match "\\[\\[[^][]+\\(\\]\\[[^][]+\\)?\\]\\]"
-                                      url))
-                   (emacs-wiki-relative-link-maybe
-                    (concat emacs-wiki-project-server-prefix url)
-                    page-publishing-directory)))
-             ;; use the server prefix
-             ((concat emacs-wiki-project-server-prefix url))))
-        (or (emacs-wiki-page-file (or tag emacs-wiki-home-page))
-            ;; doesn't yet exist, so we don't qualify the name, causing it
-            ;; to be rendered as a bad link
-            tag)))))
+  (with-emacs-wiki-project project
+    (if emacs-wiki-publishing-p
+       (let ((url (emacs-wiki-link-url (or tag emacs-wiki-home-page)))
+             (page-publishing-directory
+              (file-name-directory
+               (concat emacs-wiki-project-server-prefix
+                       (emacs-wiki-link-url (emacs-wiki-page-name))))))
+         (cond
+          ;; bad link, no prefix will be added
+          ((null url) "")
+          ;; try and convert to a relative link
+          ((and emacs-wiki-relative-links
+                ;; without catching extended links by mistake
+                (not (string-match "\\[\\[[^][]+\\(\\]\\[[^][]+\\)?\\]\\]"
+                                   url))
+                (emacs-wiki-relative-link-maybe
+                 (concat emacs-wiki-project-server-prefix url)
+                 page-publishing-directory)))
+          ;; use the server prefix
+          ((concat emacs-wiki-project-server-prefix url))))
+      (or (emacs-wiki-page-file (or tag emacs-wiki-home-page))
+         ;; doesn't yet exist, so we don't qualify the name, causing it
+         ;; to be rendered as a bad link
+         tag))))
 ;; URLs

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