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Re: [emacs-wiki-discuss] Re: planner-accomplishments errors

From: pll+ew
Subject: Re: [emacs-wiki-discuss] Re: planner-accomplishments errors
Date: Tue, 07 Sep 2004 11:15:43 -0400

>>>>> On Sun, 5 Sep 2004, "Sacha" == Sacha Chua wrote:

  Sacha> (let ((page (and (planner-derived-mode-p 'planner-mode)

  Sacha> might do the trick.

Okay, that seemed to do it.  I now get a planner-accomplishments 
buffer listing:

Accomplishment report for [[2004.09.07]]

Link  | Unfinished | In progress | Total
ThingsToOrder | 6 | 0 | 6
PriorityShuffle | 3 | 0 | 3
AssetInventory | 2 | 0 | 2
LapTops | 1 | 1 | 2
nil | 2 | 0 | 2
AfsProject | 1 | 0 | 1
DesktopHelp | 1 | 0 | 1
[[OpsMtg20040726]] | 1 | 0 | 1
[[2004.06.08]] | 1 | 0 | 1
Total  | 18 | 1 | 19

Which is similar to what planner-accomplishments-update gave me.  To 
which you said:

  Sacha> I don't suppose you can invoke align-regexp by hand?

Sure I can, the question is, what regexp do I invoke it with?

I also noticed that the following 2 lines (near the very bottom of 
the file) in planner-accomplishments.el are commented out:

;      (when (fboundp 'align-regexp)
;        (align-regexp (point-min) (point-max) "\\(\\s-*\\)|" 1 1 t))

When I uncomment those 2 lines, planner-accomplishments-show dies with
backtrace.  When I try to insert the regexp '\\(\\s-*\\)|'
(sans quotes) in that second line into a manual M-x align-regexp invocation,
I get nothing.  C-h l shows:

  untabify: done
  Highlighting buffer...done
  Highlighting buffer...89%
  Highlighting buffer...81%
  Highlighting buffer...71%
  Highlighting buffer...64%
  Highlighting buffer...52%
  Highlighting buffer...46%
  Highlighting buffer...37%
  Highlighting buffer...29%
  Highlighting buffer...12%
  Recognizing tables...done

Which seems to indicate it's doing something, just not the right 
thing.  Ideas?  Could this be another lesson in Comarative Emacsology ?

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