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Re: [emacs-wiki-discuss] One page for planner?

From: Trent Buck
Subject: Re: [emacs-wiki-discuss] One page for planner?
Date: Tue, 01 Nov 2005 14:05:03 +1100
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Sharon Kimble <address@hidden> writes:

> I've read somewhere that its possible to configure planner to use just one 
> page instead of lots of little ones. If this is so, can someone please point 
> me to the instructions to do this, as I'll then be able to go back to using 
> it.

>From the tail-end of the manual:

,----[ 9.4.2 Bare-Bones Planning ]
| You can keep all of your tasks, notes and schedules in a single file:
| WelcomePage.  This is good for people who are used to storing all of
| their information in a flat text file.  By storing your information in
| planner, you'll be able to take advantage of automatic hyperlinking to
| files and other resources.  You can also sort your tasks by priority
| and status.
|    To set your system up for bare-bones planning, set the
| `planner-use-day-pages' variable to nil before loading planner.  For
| example, you can put this in your `~/.emacs' (or `_emacs'):
|      (setq planner-use-day-pages nil)
|      (setq planner-default-page nil)
|      (require 'planner)
|    When you create a task or note, planner will not prompt you for a
| date.  If you press <RET> when prompted for a plan page, it will accept
| the default of nil, so no other plan pages will be used.  All of your
| data will be kept in one file, which can then be easily backed up.
|    You can use commands like `planner-create-task-from-buffer' to
| create tasks, or you can type tasks in manually.  You can edit or
| delete anything in the page without having to update other files.

Also, you can now set planner-initial-page to someting other than "WelcomePage"
should you feel the need.

Trent Buck, Student Errant

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