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[emacs-wiki-discuss] Re: migration from EmacsWiki, problems (XEmacs)

From: Richard Klinda
Subject: [emacs-wiki-discuss] Re: migration from EmacsWiki, problems (XEmacs)
Date: Tue, 01 Nov 2005 23:08:56 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.1007 (Gnus v5.10.7) XEmacs/21.4.17 (Jumbo Shrimp, linux)

>>>>> Regarding 'Re: migration from EmacsWiki, problems (XEmacs)'; Michael 
>>>>> Olson adds:

  > Richard Klinda <address@hidden> writes:
  >> Hello, here is the backtrace:

  > Thanks!  I think I've fixed the problem now.

Thanks, indeed my problem is fixed!  OTOH, I still get some errors
because of whitespace.el (search for nuke-trailing-whitespace):

Now I modified my whitespace.el to include this (let ((inhibit-read-only
t)) thingie so it works.  Is there a variable that I could use for
checking whether the current buffer is a muse HTML output buffer or not?

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (buffer-read-only #<buffer 
  delete-region(19551 19552)
  (if (not (string= ... "-- ")) (delete-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 
  (while (re-search-forward whitespace-regexp (point-max) t) (if (not ...) 
(delete-region ... ...)))
  (cond ((or ... ...) (while ... ...) (goto-char ...) (and ... ...)) (t 
(query-replace-regexp whitespace-regexp "") (goto-char ...) (and ... ... ...)))
  (progn (widen) (goto-char (point-min)) (cond (... ... ... ...) (t ... ... 
  (unwind-protect (progn (widen) (goto-char ...) (cond ... ...)) 
(store-match-data match-data))
  (let ((match-data ...)) (unwind-protect (progn ... ... ...) (store-match-data 
  (save-match-data (widen) (goto-char (point-min)) (cond (... ... ... ...) (t 
... ... ...)))
  (save-restriction (save-match-data (widen) (goto-char ...) (cond ... ...)))
  (save-excursion (save-restriction (save-match-data ... ... ...)))
  (let ((buffer-orig-read-only buffer-read-only) (buffer-read-only nil)) 
(save-excursion (save-restriction ...)))
  (and flag (whitespace-do-nuke-whitespace flag))
  (let ((flag nuke-trailing-whitespace-p)) (and nuke-trailing-whitespace-p 
(symbolp nuke-trailing-whitespace-p) (fboundp nuke-trailing-whitespace-p) (setq 
flag ...)) (and flag (whitespace-do-nuke-whitespace flag)))
  (cond ((interactive-p) (call-interactively ...)) (t (let ... ... ...)))
>>>>  nuke-trailing-whitespace()
  byte-code("..." [target backup-inhibited temp-buffer output-path style file 
insert-file-contents muse-publish-markup-buffer muse-page-name t write-file 
muse-style-run-hooks :final] 6)
  muse-publish-file("/home/ignotus/.Wiki/BookRecommendations" (:base "html" 
:path "/tmp/2") "/tmp/2" nil)
  muse-project-publish-file("/home/ignotus/.Wiki/BookRecommendations" ((:base 
"html" :path "/tmp/2")) nil)
  #<compiled-function (project &optional force) "...(216)" [pair forced-files 
value muse-publishing-styles styles project muse-project-of-file assoc signal 
muse-assertion-failed (consp project) nil 1 completing-read "Publish with 
style: " t muse-project-save-buffers run-hook-with-args 
muse-before-project-publish-hook :force-publish muse-project-file-alist 
muse-project-publish-file delete muse-after-project-publish-hook message "All 
pages in %s have been published." "No pages in %s need publishing at this 
time." --dolist-temp--23708 --dolist-temp--23709 published file-alist file 
muse-current-project direct list muse-project-alist keyword force] 7 
("/home/ignotus/.elisp/muse/lisp/muse-project.elc" . 15118) (list 
(muse-read-project "Publish project: " nil t) current-prefix-arg)>(("private" 
("~/.Wiki" :default "ToDo") (:base "html" :path "/tmp/2")) nil)
  byte-code("..." [buffer-read-only noninteractive debugger-buffer middlestart 
debugger-args debugger-batch-max-lines pop-to-buffer debugger-mode 
debugger-setup-buffer count-lines 2 "...\n" message buffer-string kill-emacs 
debug backtrace-debug 3 t debugger-reenable "" nil recursive-edit 
standard-output] 3)
  debug(error (buffer-read-only #<buffer " *muse-temp*">))
  muse-insert-file-or-string("<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 
Transitional//EN\">\n<html>\n  <head>\n    <title><lisp>\n  (concat 
(muse-publishing-directive \"title\")\n          (let ((author 
(muse-publishing-directive \"author\")))\n            (if (not (string= author 
(user-full-name)))\n                (concat \" (by \" author 
\")\"))))</lisp></title>\n    <meta name=\"generator\" content=\"muse.el\">\n   
 <meta http-equiv=\"<lisp>muse-html-meta-http-equiv</lisp>\"\n          
content=\"<lisp>muse-html-meta-content-type</lisp>\">\n    <lisp>\n      (let 
((maintainer (muse-style-element :maintainer)))\n        (when maintainer\n     
     (concat \"<link rev=\\\"made\\\" href=\\\"\" maintainer \"\\\">\")))\n    
</lisp>\n    <lisp>muse-html-style-sheet</lisp>\n  </head>\n  <body>\n    
<h1><lisp>\n  (concat (muse-publishing-directive \"title\")\n          (let 
((author (muse-publishing-directive \"author\")))\n            (if (not 
(string= author (user-full-name)))\n                (concat \" (by \" author 
\")\"))))</lisp></h1>\n    <!-- Page published by Emacs Muse begins here -->\n" 
  muse-publish-markup-buffer("BackupDolgok" (:base "html" :path "/tmp/2"))
  byte-code("..." [target backup-inhibited temp-buffer output-path style file 
insert-file-contents muse-publish-markup-buffer muse-page-name t write-file 
muse-style-run-hooks :final] 6)
  muse-publish-file("/home/ignotus/.Wiki/BackupDolgok" (:base "html" :path 
"/tmp/2") "/tmp/2" nil)
  muse-project-publish-file("/home/ignotus/.Wiki/BackupDolgok" ((:base "html" 
:path "/tmp/2")) nil)
  #<compiled-function (project &optional force) "...(216)" [pair forced-files 
value muse-publishing-styles styles project muse-project-of-file assoc signal 
muse-assertion-failed (consp project) nil 1 completing-read "Publish with 
style: " t muse-project-save-buffers run-hook-with-args 
muse-before-project-publish-hook :force-publish muse-project-file-alist 
muse-project-publish-file delete muse-after-project-publish-hook message "All 
pages in %s have been published." "No pages in %s need publishing at this 
time." --dolist-temp--23708 --dolist-temp--23709 published file-alist file 
muse-current-project direct list muse-project-alist keyword force] 7 
("/home/ignotus/.elisp/muse/lisp/muse-project.elc" . 15118) (list 
(muse-read-project "Publish project: " nil t) current-prefix-arg)>(("private" 
("~/.Wiki" :default "ToDo") (:base "html" :path "/tmp/2")) nil)

...sutongi tti olleh

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