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[emacs-wiki-discuss] Splitting a task onto a separate plan page

From: Sacha Chua
Subject: [emacs-wiki-discuss] Splitting a task onto a separate plan page
Date: Sat, 12 Nov 2005 16:22:27 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/21.3.50 (gnu/linux)

Here is a totally hackish way to split a task onto a separate plan
page. Call roxy/planner-split-task while point is on the task, and
specify a page to split the task onto. Thanks to roxy_ for the
suggestion. planner-id _should_ keep it relatively safe from changes
in the task description, but I haven't quite figured out yet how to
search for the task ID if the task has been moved. If all else fails,
do a grep.

Task on TaskPool:

#A _ Foo bar

After roxy/planner-split-task to FooBar:

  Original task:
  #A _ Foo bar {{Tasks:1}} Split:FooBar

  Foo bar {{Tasks:1}} Split:FooBar
  #parent-task 1 (TaskPool) Complete project

After roxy/planner-complete-project on FooBar
  #A X Foo bar {{Tasks:1}} Split:FooBar

(require 'planner-id)
(defun roxy/planner-split-task (page)
  "Split the current task into a separate project PAGE."
  (interactive (list (planner-read-non-date-page (planner-file-alist))))
  (unless (planner-current-task-info) (error "Not on task"))
  (unless page (error "Specify page to split to"))
    (planner-task-description (planner-current-task-info))
    " Split:" (planner-make-link page)))
  (let* ((info (planner-current-task-info))
         (description (planner-task-description info))
         (id (planner-id-get-id-from-string description "Tasks"))
         (plan (or (planner-task-plan info)
    (unless id (error "Could not determine task ID"))
    (planner-find-file page)
    (goto-char (point-min))
    (insert (format "%s\n#parent-task %s (%s) %s\n\n"
                    (cdr id)
                    (planner-make-link plan)
                    (if (featurep 'planner-lisp)

(defun roxy/planner-complete-project ()
  "Mark current project page as completed, updating the parent task."
  (goto-char (line-beginning-position))
  (when (or (looking-at "^#parent-task \\([0-9]+\\) (\\(.*?\\))")
              (goto-char (point-min))
              (re-search-forward "^#parent-task \\([0-9]+\\) (\\(.*?\\))")))
    (let ((id (match-string-no-properties 1))
          (link (match-string-no-properties 2)))
      (planner-find-file (planner-link-target link))
      (planner-id-find-task id)


It will also need the following patch, which is generally useful and
might be nice to fold into the main tree.

* looking for address@hidden/planner-muse--mwolson--1.0--patch-95 to compare 
* comparing to address@hidden/planner-muse--mwolson--1.0--patch-95
M  planner-multi.el
M  planner-id.el
M  planner.el

* modified files

--- orig/planner-id.el
+++ mod/planner-id.el
@@ -70,9 +70,13 @@
 (defvar planner-id-regexp "{{\\([^:]+\\):\\([0-9]+\\)}}"
   "Regexp matching planner IDs.")
-(defun planner-id-get-id-from-string (string)
-  "Return the planner ID in STRING as (identifier number)."
-  (when (string-match planner-id-regexp string)
+(defun planner-id-get-id-from-string (string &optional key)
+  "Return the planner ID in STRING as (identifier number).
+If KEY is specified, match against that."
+  (when (string-match
+         (concat "{{\\("
+                 (or key "[^:]+")
+                 "\\):\\([0-9]+\\)}}") string)
     (cons (planner-match-string-no-properties 1 string)
           (planner-match-string-no-properties 2 string))))
@@ -87,14 +91,24 @@
   (concat "{{" (car id) ":" (cdr id) "}}"))
 (defun planner-id-find-task (task-info &optional point)
   "Find task described by TASK-INFO. If POINT is non-nil, start from there.
 If task is found, move point to line beginning and return non-nil.
 If task is not found, leave point at POINT or the start of the buffer
 and return nil."
   (goto-char (or point (point-min)))
-  (let ((task-id (planner-id-get-id-from-string
-                  (planner-task-description task-info)))
+  (let ((task-id
+         (cond
+          ;; Task ID
+          ((listp task-info) 
+           (planner-id-get-id-from-string
+            (planner-task-description task-info)))
+          ;; Just the ID
+          ((numberp task-info)
+           (cons "Tasks" (number-to-string task-info)))
+          ;; ID as string
+          ((stringp task-info) (cons "Tasks" task-info))))
         (found nil))
     (when (re-search-forward
            (concat planner-task-regexp ".*"

--- orig/planner-multi.el
+++ mod/planner-multi.el
@@ -169,6 +169,7 @@
   (if (listp (nth 5 info))
       (nth 5 info)
     (list (nth 5 info))))
+(defalias 'planner-task-link-as-list 'planner-multi-task-link-as-list)
 (defun planner-multi-task-xref (page)
   "Copy the current task to PAGE."

--- orig/planner.el
+++ mod/planner.el
@@ -1868,6 +1868,9 @@
   "Return the planner page of a task given INFO." (nth 7 info))
 (defun planner-task-date (info)
   "Return the planner date of a task given INFO." (nth 8 info))
+(defun planner-task-links-as-list (info)
+  "Return a list of all the pages this task is on."
+  (delq nil (list (nth 7 info) (nth 8 info))))
 ;;;_   + Creation

Time data:
i 2005/11/12 15:38:19 : Split tasks for roxy {{Tasks:40}}
o 2005/11/12 16:22:07

Sacha Chua <address@hidden> - open source, free software geekette
http://sacha.free.net.ph/ - PGP Key ID: 0xE7FDF77C
interests: emacs, gnu/linux, personal information management, public speaking
sachac on irc.freenode.net#emacs . YM: sachachua83

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