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[emacs-wiki-discuss] muse-visit-link-default bugs + fixes

From: Jim Ottaway
Subject: [emacs-wiki-discuss] muse-visit-link-default bugs + fixes
Date: Sun, 27 Nov 2005 12:22:59 +0000
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.0.50 (gnu/linux)

I have found two more bugs in muse-visit-link-default, one the result
of an earlier change that I suggested.

The first is that an anchor with no link doesn't work correctly.  I
have made it so that the current page is taken for the link if one has
a link such as '#link'.  I am not completely certain of the
correctness of this: can it be assumed that muse-visit-link is only
called from a muse page?

The second is that finding the buffer on the basis of the page name
doesn't work: if one has a non-muse buffer with the same name
as the link, that buffer would be chosen, even if there is a buffer
that contains the page [that has, for example, been renamed uniquely
to something like 'test<notes>']. So, I have made it so that the buffer
list is searched for muse-mode and for the page name.


Jim Ottaway

--- orig/lisp/muse-mode.el
+++ mod/lisp/muse-mode.el
@@ -305,6 +305,16 @@
        t t)
     (error "There is no valid link at point")))
+(defun muse-buffer-of-page (page)
+  "Return the buffer visiting PAGE if there is one."
+  (catch 'found
+    (dolist (b (buffer-list))
+      (when (with-current-buffer b
+              (and (or (eq major-mode 'muse-mode)
+                       (derived-mode-p 'muse-mode))
+                   (string= (muse-page-name) page)))
+        (throw 'found b)))))
 (defun muse-visit-link-default (link &optional other-window)
   "Visit the URL or link named by LINK.
 If ANCHOR is specified, search for it after opening LINK.
@@ -318,8 +328,12 @@
       (when (string-match "#" link)
         (setq anchor (substring link (match-beginning 0))
-              link (substring link 0 (match-beginning 0))))
-      (setq base-buffer (get-buffer link))
+              link (if (= (match-beginning 0) 0)
+                       ;; If there is an anchor but no link, default
+                       ;; to the current page.
+                       (muse-page-name)
+                     (substring link 0 (match-beginning 0)))))
+      (setq base-buffer (muse-buffer-of-page link))
       (if (and base-buffer (not (buffer-file-name base-buffer)))
           ;; If file is temporary (no associated file), just switch to
           ;; the buffer

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