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[emacs-wiki-discuss] Re: planner/muse update speed

From: Joseph Kiniry
Subject: [emacs-wiki-discuss] Re: planner/muse update speed
Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 14:24:41 +0000

Hi Jim,

On 11 Jan, 2006, at 10:58, Jim Ottaway wrote:

Joseph Kiniry <address@hidden> writes:

Hi Jim,
On 10 Jan, 2006, at 20:42, Jim Ottaway wrote:

Joseph Kiniry <address@hidden> writes:
Hi Jim,
I see no change in behavior with this small patch.

E.g., if I go to a given day my moving to a calendar day (I link
calendar to planner) I still see "Highlighting buffer...." messages
for every muse buffer mentioned in the day page regardless of whether
or not that page is actually loaded into emacs.   On my current day
page this takes nearly 30 seconds.  It seems the pages are loaded,
highlighted, then saved, even though nothing was touched.


Hmm. That patch does seem to stop highlighting when tasks are updated
or changed.

Is your problem exclusively with calendar movement?

No.  It also happens anytime plan is called, anytime I move to a day
(e.g., with planner-goto-yesterday, etc.), anytime I move a task
(e.g., with planner-copy-or-move-task), etc.

It seems to me that there is no check for pre-existing day page
buffers in the page-saving mechanism between planner-calendar- show and

My muse-config.el is available via
if that'll help.  I have tried turning on an off various settings to
no avail thus far.


I have tried another small change that might work.  This time, I have
disabled the call to muse-colors-region in planner-mode; I don't know
why that was there, though, so some other highlighting issue may

That definitely speeds things up. Updates now are nearly instantaneous and the time to refresh corresponds to the length/ complexity of the page.

I removed the previous change, to ensure that this is the real source
of the problem.

It is.

Does this work for you?  If not, I am more or less stumped.

It does.  Thanks.

On a separate matter: Looking at the calendar insinuation behaviour,
it looks as though all pages visited by moving through the calendar
get removed when the calendar is exited, including any that were there
before M-x calendar was invoked.  Is this reasonable behaviour?  I
don't use this feature regularly, but I would have thought that any
pre-existing page buffers should be retained.

I have never noticed this behavior as planner/muse will load a page anyway when I access it. I guess the proper emacs way would be to leave them in memory rather than removing them though. I am sometimes surprised by how few planner buffers are loaded after several days of us, and I guess this is due to this calendar insinuation behavior.



Jim Ottaway

--- orig/planner.el
+++ mod/planner.el
@@ -821,8 +821,7 @@
 (defmacro with-planner-update-setup (&rest body)
"Execute BODY then save buffers according to `planner-tasks-file- behavior'. Also sets some variables to modify font-lock behaviour while updating."
-  (let ((muse-mode-highlight-p nil)
-        (live-buffers (make-symbol "live-buffers")))
+  (let ((live-buffers (make-symbol "live-buffers")))
@@ -977,9 +976,9 @@
     (when (fboundp 'easy-menu-add)
       (easy-menu-add planner-menu planner-mode-map))
-    (planner-prepare-file)
-    (when (and font-lock-mode muse-mode-highlight-p)
-      (muse-colors-buffer))))
+    (planner-prepare-file)))
+;;     (when (and font-lock-mode muse-mode-highlight-p)
+;;       (muse-colors-buffer))))

 (defvar planner-date-regexp

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Joseph Kiniry
School of Computer Science and Informatics
UCD Dublin

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