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[Emms-patches] completion in lastfm

From: Thierry Volpiatto
Subject: [Emms-patches] completion in lastfm
Date: Thu, 07 Aug 2008 15:32:37 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/23.0.60 (gnu/linux)

Hi emms,
here a little patch to have some completion in lastfm for global-tag
and similar-artist.
I didn't touch these functions, i just create new ones with an
independent timer to not interfer with the actual one.
This patch apply fine on revision:

|    commit 476e78d230e3f28dffb2b65482b9044970979167
|    Commit: thierry <address@hidden>
|    CommitDate: Thu Aug 7 14:56:41 2008 +0200
|       emms-lastfm.el:Add completion for names of similar artists and music 
|    commit 3c8448d655e701d42ce6c0fcdd4a9438eb5d3b67
|    Commit: Yoni Rabkin <address@hidden>
|    CommitDate: Fri Aug 1 17:29:21 2008 +0300
|       emms.texinfo: New advocacy section in the manual titled "Formats and 

## Merge of all patchs applied from revision 839
## Initial-patch
## patch2-841
## patch3-842
diff --git a/lisp/emms-lastfm.el b/lisp/emms-lastfm.el
--- a/lisp/emms-lastfm.el
+++ b/lisp/emms-lastfm.el
@@ -87,6 +87,7 @@
 (require 'emms-playing-time)
 (require 'emms-source-file)
 (require 'emms-url)
+(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
 ;;; Variables
@@ -648,6 +649,102 @@
       (emms-track-set track 'info-title title)
       (emms-track-updated track))))
+;;; New functions to get completion in similar-artist and global-tags
+;; launch last-fm with completion
+;; and launch also `emms-lastfm-radio-request-metadata'
+(defvar emms-lastfm-timer2 nil)
+(defcustom  emms-default-music-directory
+  "~/music"
+  "The default directory to store music"
+  :type 'string
+  :group 'emms-player-lastfm-radio)
+(defcustom emms-music-type-list
+  '("playlist" "blues"
+    "trance" "classical"
+    "rock" "country"
+    "pop" "electronic"
+    "reggae" "hip-hop"
+    "indierock" "jazz"
+    "latin" "punk"
+    "RnB" "soul"
+    "world" "50s"
+    "60s" "70s"
+    "80s" "recommended"
+    "ethno")
+  "List of music type recognized by lastfm"
+  :type 'list
+  :group 'emms-player-lastfm-radio)
+(defvar emms-completing-read (if (and (boundp 'ido-mode)
+                                      ido-mode)
+                                 'ido-completing-read
+                               'completing-read)
+  "Idea and code come from `dvc'.See the doc of `completing-read'
+for arguments of function `emms-completing-read'")
+(defun emms-completing-read (&rest args)
+  "Read a string in the minibuffer, with completion.
+Set `emms-completing-read' to determine which function to use.
+See `completing-read' for a description of ARGS."
+  (apply emms-completing-read args))
+(defun emms-lastfm-radio-music-type (tag)
+  (interactive (list (emms-completing-read "MusicType: "
+                                            emms-music-type-list)))
+  (emms-lastfm-radio (concat "lastfm://globaltags/" tag))
+    (when emms-lastfm-timer2
+      (emms-cancel-lastfm-infos))
+    (emms-update-lastfm-infos))
+;; Manage timer to display infos in mode-line
+(defun emms-update-lastfm-infos ()
+  (setq emms-lastfm-timer2 (run-with-timer "2"
+                                           emms-lastfm-radio-metadata-period
+                                           #'(lambda ()
+                                                      (when 
+(defun emms-cancel-lastfm-infos ()
+  (cancel-timer emms-lastfm-timer2)
+  (setq emms-lastfm-timer2 nil))
+;; Get all artists in my music directory
+(defun emms-lastfm-list-music-directory (directory)
+  (let ((dir-list nil)
+        (mod-name))
+    (loop for i in (cddr (directory-files directory))
+       do
+         (setq mod-name (replace-regexp-in-string "_" " " i))
+         (push (split-string mod-name "\\-") dir-list))
+    (setq dir-list (reverse dir-list))
+    dir-list))
+(defun emms-lastfm-list-music-directory-by-artist (directory)
+  (let ((dir-list nil)
+        (dir-list-single nil))
+    (loop for i in (emms-lastfm-list-music-directory directory)
+       do
+         (push (car i) dir-list))
+    (dolist (x dir-list)
+      (when (not (member x dir-list-single))
+        (push x dir-list-single)))
+    dir-list-single))
+;; Start lastfm by similar artists using the artists
+;; presents in my music directory
+(defun emms-lastfm-radio-by-artist (artist)
+  (interactive (list (emms-completing-read "SimilarArtists: "
+                                             emms-default-music-directory))))
+  (emms-lastfm-radio (concat "lastfm://artist/"
+                             artist
+                             "/similarartists"))
+  (when emms-lastfm-timer2
+    (emms-cancel-lastfm-infos))
+  (emms-update-lastfm-infos))
 ;;; Utility functions
A + Thierry Volpiatto
Location: Saint-Cyr-Sur-Mer - France

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