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[Erc-discuss] It is now easier to auto-identify to BitlBee

From: Michael Olson
Subject: [Erc-discuss] It is now easier to auto-identify to BitlBee
Date: Thu, 28 Dec 2006 02:32:45 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.110006 (No Gnus v0.6) Emacs/22.0.91 (gnu/linux)

I've made some changes in the development version of ERC that make
identifying to Bitlbee a bit easier.  To do this, I've introduced the
'both method for the `erc-nickserv-identify-mode' option.

The 'both method causes ERC to wait for a NickServ response for a
server if that server is known to provide one, otherwise it just
authenticates to NickServ after finalizing the connection to the

Here's an example from my (updated) configuration settings.

;; add 'services to erc-modules

;; this is the default, now
;; (setq erc-nickserv-identify-mode 'both)

(setq erc-nickserv-passwords
      '((BitlBee (("nick" . "bitlbee-password")))
        (freenode (("nick" . "freenode-password")))))

Michael Olson -- FSF Associate Member #652 --
Interests: Lisp, text markup, protocols -- Jabber:
  /` |\ | | | Projects: Emacs, Muse, ERC, EMMS, Planner, ErBot, DVC
 |_] | \| |_| Reclaim your digital rights by eliminating DRM.
      See for details.

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