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[ESPResSo-devel] Segmentation fault

From: Markus Gusenbauer
Subject: [ESPResSo-devel] Segmentation fault
Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2012 19:17:45 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20101027)

Hi all,

We defined new bonding forces for an elastic object (interacting particles in a triangular mesh representing the surface of the object, like constant volume force, constant area force). For this we have to calculate current volume and area of the object. This is done before the actual force calculation in Espresso because we need information about every particle in the object. We made exactly the same loop through the cells and particles as used in calculate_verlet_ia(). The method works fine with 7 objects (every object has around 400 particles forming a triangle mesh). Suddenly with 8 objects we get a segmentation fault. Looks like that a bond is broken (not on the same node). But this error is also when using just 1 node (Is this possible?). After analyzing we found out that this bond (that holds 1 particle with 2 neighbours forming a triangle) has a wrong neighbour id. So exactly the 2nd neighbour of the broken bond points not to a particle id, but to a different bond id. Could it be that we came into an out-of-array error and reading information from somewhere else? We have more than 25000 different bonds because every triangle in the mesh need to be defined and also other forces (like stretching between only 2 particles). On the tcl-level (in the tcl-start-script) the bonds are all correct when printing particle information. We are using version 3.1.0!

We would really appreciate any ideas that could solve our problem!


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