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Re: [ESPResSo-users] H_bond

From: mehdi ezatabadi
Subject: Re: [ESPResSo-users] H_bond
Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2012 16:58:24 +0430

Dear Tristan
I have a problem in my simulations. I have lj interaction among two types of my particles but also  I should have to force them interact just by the nearest particle in the cut off radius.
For example I have a type A base that in its neighborhood there are lots of type T bases. The type A base have to interact by the nearest type T base and not to interact by the others. How can I do it by the Espresso ?!

This is my problem. In fact the interactions among AT base pairs must be H_bond, I use lj interactions instead of H_bond but there is a little problem that i wrote about it . Some the other friends guide me to change the source code to implement this special feature. 


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