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[Fab-user] Fabric setuptools plugin prototype

From: Rob Cowie
Subject: [Fab-user] Fabric setuptools plugin prototype
Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2008 18:55:47 +0000

Hi Christian,

I haven't figured out how to do diffs with git, so until then...

I've posted a diff to snipplr (http://snipplr.com/view/5340/)

The changes thus far are:

 * Import pkg_resources
* Addition of an entrypoint mapping (maps application entrypoints (strings) to Fabric registries)
 * Addition of a load_plugins() function.
 * load_plugins call in main()

load_plugins() is responsible for using pkg_resources for searching sys.path, os.getcwd(), and any additional paths passed for "distributions". A "distribution" is a python module/package/egg identifiable by setuptools. From this list of distributions, we can search for packages that expose callables registered to our entry points (in this case, fabric.operations, fabric.commands, and fabric.strategies).

I'm not convinced that my choice of plugin entry points is a good one. It might be better to provide one entry point (say fabric.plugins) and have the application code discover what 'type' of callable is made available.

Oh... the diff also includes an additional prompt() operation, simply because I forgot to remove it! It also includes some extraneous print statements, also because I forgot about them.

All that remains is to create a plugin, register entrypoints in setup.py, package it as an egg and either install it in the PYTHONPATH or drop it into the same directory as the fabfile.

I've attached a stub Subversion plugin. It exposes two functions that will be registered as fabric operations; svn_checkout, svn_export. Neither does anything except print to stdout.

Your idea of passing the current fabric 'context' to every plugin callable is a good one. I haven't implemented this.

Attached is an egg which - with any luck - will make these two operations available if you install it.

Rob C

Attachment: FabricSVN-0.11-py2.5.egg
Description: Binary data

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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