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Re: [Fab-user] redirecting output.

From: John Eikenberry
Subject: Re: [Fab-user] redirecting output.
Date: Tue, 19 Oct 2010 14:29:37 -0400
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.20 (2009-06-14)

Nathan Brazil wrote:

> 2. Create a shell script named myfab that goes something like this:
>       #!/usr/bin/env bash
>       fab $* | tee log/`date +%FT%Hh%Mm%Ss`.log
> Now, whenever I run myfab instead of fab, the output is shown on
> screen as well as captured in a timestamped log file.
> However, there is a drawback in that stderr is not captured, such
> that if my fab script bombs out, the error message is absent from
> the log file.  This is acceptable for now, though, since deployments
> are to be automated, but not unattended, IMHO.

To get both stdout and stderr do this...

fab "$@" 2>&1 | tee log/`date +%FT%Hh%Mm%Ss`.log

Note that "$@" tends to work better in most cases than $*, at least in terms of
getting quoting right.


John Eikenberry
address@hidden - http://zhar.net]
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