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[Fab-user] Parsing ssh config files

From: Rory Campbell-Lange
Subject: [Fab-user] Parsing ssh config files
Date: Tue, 1 Mar 2011 23:21:20 +0000
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.20 (2009-06-14)

Here is my version of
following yesterday's discussion on irc.

Is this useful?

#!/usr/bin/env python
Load an ssh config file using Paramiko
Author  : Rory Campbell-Lange
Started : 01 March 2011

from os.path import expanduser
from paramiko.config import SSHConfig

class Host:
        def __init__(self, hash):
                for k,v in hash.items():
                        setattr(self, k, v)
        def __repr__(self):
                printables = [i for i in dir(self) if '_' not in i]
                tpl = '\t%-14s : %s\n'
                x = ''
                for p in printables:
                        x += tpl % (p, getattr(self,p))
                return x

def load_ssh_config(filer='~/.ssh/config'):
        '''Load an ssh config file'''
        p = SSHConfig()
        f = open(expanduser(filer))

        # wierd
        hosts_array = p.__dict__['_config']
        hosts = {}
        for h in hosts_array[1:]:
                hosts[h['host']] = Host(h)
        return hosts

if __name__ == '__main__':

        hosts = load_ssh_config()
        for h in hosts:
                print h
                print hosts[h]

Rory Campbell-Lange

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