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Re: [Fle3-dev] Managing Knowledge Types - Strange behaviour?

From: Tarmo Toikkanen
Subject: Re: [Fle3-dev] Managing Knowledge Types - Strange behaviour?
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 11:29:08 +0300
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.1i

Hi Cormac,

Thanks for the detailed report - I wish more people were this
thorough. :) Anyway, there is no functional problem - all the types
you changed are stored and used correctly.

What actually happens is that when you change the abbreviation of an
existing type, its id is not changed. And when you create a new type,
the id is copied from the abbreviation. The problem is in the page
that displays the type information - it should show abbreviations, but
it's showing ids.

I've corrected this now, but as I said, it's only a cosmetic problem
and isn't visible to normal users. You can get the latest version from
SVN if you want - it's not broken at this point as I've only done
minor fixes to it. Later this fall I'll break it good when I migrate
from dtml to zpt, but I'll do that in a branch as well, so the trunk
should stay in pretty good shape.

On 19.09.2005, 10:04:37, Cormac McClean wrote:
However, I've noticed that when I created a new knowledge type set by
editing an existing one, the original note names are retained. For example,
I decided to create a knowledge type set called "Plan and Reflect", which
might help me plan a lesson (not what Fle3 was created for, I accept, but
I'm really just playing around with it). I based it on the Design Thinking
Types, and created notes called: Lesson, Outcome, Explanation and so on. I
went through the three stages (occasionally saving and returning to it
later), and at the matrix stage I clicked all of the boxes except for the
first column and find that I now have the following inconsistency:
Lesson (lesson) (can start a thread)
Can be followed with: context, challenge, idea, info, eval, org, sum,

Only the last note type is mine, the remainder are from the Design Thinking

I'm using Fle3 1.5.

Attached is a snapshot.


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Tarmo Toikkanen
The Fle3 Team

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