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Re: [fluid-dev] sf2 specification compliance and sf2 parsing/loading lim

From: josh
Subject: Re: [fluid-dev] sf2 specification compliance and sf2 parsing/loading limitations
Date: Mon, 10 Aug 2009 11:29:16 -0700
User-agent: Internet Messaging Program (IMP) H3 (4.1.6)

Quoting Kevin Fishburne <address@hidden>:
     I've noticed that fluidsynth fails to load particular soundfonts,
though I'm still trying to pin down why. The first things that come to
mind are that the sf2 file is too big, the sf2 file is encoded
incorrectly or is noncompliant, or that fluidsynth isn't completely
compliant with the specification.

Has anyone seen fluidsynth exhibit this behavior, and does anyone
know what the cause could be? Some of the soundfonts in question were
downloaded from various Internet sources, but most of them were
converted from Akai format sample CDs using CDXtract 4. Most of the
ones that were converted work fine, but several fail to load. I can
provide examples if necessary to reproduce the issue.


Hello Kevin,

What sort of error messages do you get, if any, when trying to load the SoundFont files in question? Is there anything that is displayed that might help track down the issue, or is simply nothing displayed at all and it just doesn't work right?

Best regards,
Josh Green

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