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Re: [fluid-dev] fluidsynth as server won't load config file

From: Ben Gonzales
Subject: Re: [fluid-dev] fluidsynth as server won't load config file
Date: Tue, 2 Feb 2016 15:01:22 +1100
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Hi Srijan

I use the the following options and it works well on my Rpi:
fluidsynth --server  --no-shell --audio-driver=alsa -o audio.alsa.device=hw:$CARDNO  --load-config=$CONFIG --portname="$SYNTHPORT" &>/tmp/fluidsynth.out &

$CARDNO and $SYNTHPORT re variables I set.

Any reason you're running it sudo? I run as pi and it's fine.

If you put the --verbose option in, you can more easily see if there are problems. Maybe there's a problem with the config file syntax??

You can kill the synth with
(sudo) killall fluidsynth

What instrument are you using to control the synth, and what soundcard?



On 02/02/16 14:11, Srijan Deshpande wrote:

I'm using a script to run fluidsynth at boot as a server and without the shell (using -is) on my raspberry pi. I'm also giving it a configuration file using the -f flag. 

Fluid synth starts properly and loads the sound font just fine, but whatever I do, it just doesn't load the config file. 

My script is like this:
# Script to start FluidSynth & aconnect
echo Attempting to start FluidSynth
sudo fluidsynth -f /home/pi/config.txt -a alsa -is /home/pi/soundfont.sf2 &
sleep 10
aconnect 20:0 128:0

How do I get it to load the config file? Any suggestions?

Another question: In this case, I can only access the fluidsynth shell using telnet. So how do I quit fluidsynth? If I use the 'quit' command, it quits telnet, but fluid synth keeps running!


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