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[Fmsystem-commits] [7012] merge from bim-branch

From: Sigurd Nes
Subject: [Fmsystem-commits] [7012] merge from bim-branch
Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2011 09:45:27 +0000

Revision: 7012

Author:   sigurdne
Date:     2011-02-16 09:45:27 +0000 (Wed, 16 Feb 2011)
Log Message:
merge from bim-branch

Added Paths:

Copied: trunk/bim/inc/ (from rev 7011, 
--- trunk/bim/inc/                          (rev 0)
+++ trunk/bim/inc/  2011-02-16 09:45:27 UTC (rev 7012)
@@ -0,0 +1,724 @@
+ * FIXME: Description
+ * @package property
+ */
+class property_uiitem {
+        public static $virtualFileSystemPath = "ifc";
+    private $so;
+    private $db;
+    private $sogroup;
+    private $bocommon;
+    private $dry_run;
+    public $public_functions = array
+    (
+        'index' => true,
+       'foo' => true,
+       'showModels' => true,
+       'getModelsJson' => true,
+       'removeModelJson' => true,
+       'getFacilityManagementXmlByModelId' => true,
+       'upload' => true,
+       'uploadFile' => true,
+        'testdata' => true,
+       'ifc' => true,
+        'emptydb' => true
+    );
+    public function __construct() {
+        $this->bocommon = CreateObject('property.bocommon');
+        $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['xslt_app'] = true;
+        $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['menu_selection'] = 
+               $this->db = & $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db;
+        $this->so = property_soitem::singleton();
+        $this->sogroup = property_soitem_group::singleton();
+    }
+    function index() {
+        $menu_sub = array(
+                'tenant'=>'invoice',
+                'owner'        =>'admin',
+                'vendor'=>'invoice'
+        );
+        $this->dry_run = false;
+        $datatable = array();
+        $this->populateDataTable($datatable);
+               $json = $this->populateJson($datatable);
+               if( phpgw::get_var('phpgw_return_as') == 'json' )
+               {
+            return $json;
+        }
+               $datatable['json_data'] = json_encode($json);
+               $this->loadYuiWidgets();
+        // Prepare template variables and process XSLT
+        $template_vars = array();
+        $template_vars['datatable'] = $datatable;
+        $GLOBALS['phpgw']->xslttpl->add_file(array('datatable'));
+        //print_r($template_vars);
+        $GLOBALS['phpgw']->xslttpl->set_var('phpgw', $template_vars);
+        $this->setupCss();
+        //Title of Page
+        $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['app_header'] = lang('actor') . ': ' . 
lang('list ' . $this->role);
+        // Prepare YUI Library
+        $GLOBALS['phpgw']->js->validate_file( 'yahoo', 'item.index', 
'property' );
+        //$this->save_sessiondata();
+    }
+    private function populateJson(&$datatable) {
+       $json = array
+            (
+                'recordsReturned'      => 
+                'totalRecords'                 => 
+                'startIndex'           => 
+                'sort'                         => 
+                'dir'                          => 
+                'records'                      => array()
+            );
+            // values for datatable
+            if(isset($datatable['rows']['row']) && 
is_array($datatable['rows']['row'])) {
+                foreach( $datatable['rows']['row'] as $row ) {
+                    $json_row = array();
+                    foreach( $row['column'] as $column) {
+                        if(isset($column['format']) && $column['format']== 
"link" && $column['java_link']==true) {
+                            $json_row[$column['name']] = "<a href='#' 
id='".$column['link']."' onclick='javascript:filter_data(;'>" 
+                        }
+                        elseif(isset($column['format']) && $column['format']== 
"link") {
+                            $json_row[$column['name']] = "<a 
href='".$column['link']."'>" .$column['value']."</a>";
+                        }else {
+                            $json_row[$column['name']] = $column['value'];
+                        }
+                    }
+                    $json['records'][] = $json_row;
+                }
+            }
+    // right in datatable
+            if(isset($datatable['rowactions']['action']) && 
is_array($datatable['rowactions']['action'])) {
+                $json ['rights'] = $datatable['rowactions']['action'];
+            }
+               return $json;
+    }
+    private function populateDataTable(&$datatable) {
+       if(phpgw::get_var('phpgw_return_as') != 'json') {
+            $this->setFormAndNonJsonProperties($datatable);
+        }
+        $item_list = $this->so->read($this->dry_run);
+        $uicols        = $this->so->uicols;
+        $uicols_count = count($uicols['name']);
+               $this->populateDatatableRows($item_list, $datatable, $uicols, 
+               $this->addRowActionsToDatatable($datatable);
+               $this->populateColumnNames($datatable, $uicols, $uicols_count);
+        // path for property.js
+        $datatable['property_js'] =  
+        // Pagination and sort values
+               $this->setPagination($datatable, $item_list);
+               $this->setSorting($datatable);
+    }
+    private function setFormAndNonJsonProperties(&$datatable) {
+       // Set base URL. FIXME: Add more URL parameters when needed
+            $datatable['config']['base_url'] = 
$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php', array
+            (
+                'menuaction'=> 'property.uiitem.index',
+            ));
+            $datatable['config']['allow_allrows'] = true;
+            $datatable['config']['base_java_url'] = 
+                       $this->setForm($datatable);
+                       $this->dry_run=true;
+    }
+    /*
+     * form on top of screen ( above the datatable)
+     * @see /phpgwapi/templates/base/datatable.xsl
+     */
+    private function setForm(&$datatable) {
+        $values_combo_box_0 = $this->sogroup->read(null);
+            $default_value = array('id' => -1, 'name' => 'Alle grupper');
+            array_unshift($values_combo_box_0, $default_value);
+       $datatable['actions']['form'] = array(
+                array(
+                    'action' => $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',
+                            array(
+                                'menuaction'   => 'property.uiitem.index',
+                                'group_id'        => 0
+                            )
+                    ),
+                    'fields' => array(
+                        'field' => array(
+                            array(
+                                    'id' => 'btn_group_id',
+                                    'name' => 'group_id',
+                                    'value'    => lang('Group'),
+                                    'type' => 'button',
+                                    'style' => 'filter',
+                                    'tab_index' => 1
+                            ),
+                            array(
+                                    'type'=> 'link',
+                                    'id'  => 'btn_columns',
+                                    'url' => 
+                                            array(
+                                            'menuaction' => 
+                                            'role'             => $this->role
+                                            ))."','','width=350,height=370')",
+                                    'value' => lang('columns'),
+                                    'tab_index' => 6
+                            ),
+                            array(
+                                    'type'     => 'button',
+                                    'id'       => 'btn_new',
+                                    'value'    => lang('add'),
+                                    'tab_index' => 5
+                            ),
+                            array(
+                                    'id' => 'btn_search',
+                                    'name' => 'search',
+                                    'value'    => lang('search'),
+                                    'type' => 'button',
+                                    'tab_index' => 4
+                            ),
+                            array(
+                                    'name'     => 'query',
+                                    'id'     => 'txt_query',
+                                    'value'    => '',//$query,
+                                    'type' => 'text',
+                                    'onkeypress' => 'return pulsar(event)',
+                                    'size'    => 28,
+                                    'tab_index' => 3
+                            )
+                        ),
+                        'hidden_value' => array(
+                                array(
+                                        'id' => 'values_combo_box_0',
+                                        'value'        => 
+                                )
+                        )
+                    )
+                )
+            );
+    }
+       private function setPagination(&$datatable, &$item_list) {
+       $datatable['pagination']['records_start']       = (int) 
+        $datatable['pagination']['records_limit']      = 
+        $datatable['pagination']['records_returned']= count($item_list);
+        $datatable['pagination']['records_total']      = 
+    }
+    private function setSorting(&$datatable) {
+     if((phpgw::get_var("start")== "") && (phpgw::get_var("order",'string')== 
+        {
+            $datatable['sorting']['order']                     = 'id'; // name 
key Column in myColumnDef
+            $datatable['sorting']['sort']                      = 'asc'; // ASC 
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            $datatable['sorting']['order']                     = 
phpgw::get_var('order', 'string'); // name of column of Database
+            $datatable['sorting']['sort']                      = 
phpgw::get_var('sort', 'string'); // ASC / DESC
+        }
+    }
+    private function populateColumnNames(&$datatable, &$uicols, 
&$uicols_count) {
+       for ($i=0; $i < $uicols_count; $i++) {
+            //all colums should be have formatter
+            $datatable['headers']['header'][$i]['formatter'] = 
($uicols['formatter'][$i]==''?  '""' : $uicols['formatter'][$i]);
+            if($uicols['input_type'][$i] != 'hidden') {
+                $datatable['headers']['header'][$i]['name']                    
= $uicols['name'][$i];
+                $datatable['headers']['header'][$i]['text']                    
= $uicols['descr'][$i];
+                $datatable['headers']['header'][$i]['visible']                 
        = true;
+                $datatable['headers']['header'][$i]['format']                  
= $this->bocommon->translate_datatype_format($uicols['datatype'][$i]);
+                $datatable['headers']['header'][$i]['sortable']                
        = false;
+                // If datatype is not T or CH
+                if(!in_array($uicols['datatype'][$i], array('T', 'CH'))) {
+                    $datatable['headers']['header'][$i]['sortable']            
= true;
+                    $datatable['headers']['header'][$i]['sort_field']  = 
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    private function populateDatatableRows(&$item_list, &$datatable, &$uicols, 
&$uicols_count) {
+    $j=0;
+     if(is_array($item_list)) {
+            // For each item...
+            foreach($item_list as $item) {
+                // For each column definition...
+                for($i=0; $i < $uicols_count; $i++) {
+                    if($uicols['input_type'][$i] != 'hidden') {
+                        $datatable['rows']['row'][$j]['column'][$i]['value']   
= $item[$uicols['name'][$i]];
+                        $datatable['rows']['row'][$j]['column'][$i]['name']    
= $uicols['name'][$i];
+                        $datatable['rows']['row'][$j]['column'][$i]['lookup']  
= '$lookup';
+                        $datatable['rows']['row'][$j]['column'][$i]['align']   
= (isset($uicols['align'][$i]) ? $uicols['align'][$i] : 'center');
+                        /*if($uicols['datatype'][$i] == 'link' && 
$item[$uicols['name'][$i]]) {
$datatable['rows']['row'][$j]['column'][$i]['value']    = lang('link');
$datatable['rows']['row'][$j]['column'][$i]['link']                = 
$datatable['rows']['row'][$j]['column'][$i]['target']      = '_blank';
+                        }*/
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        $datatable['rows']['row'][$j]['column'][$i]['name']    
= $uicols['name'][$i];
+                        $datatable['rows']['row'][$j]['column'][$i]['value']   
= $item[$uicols['name'][$i]];
+                    }
+                    $datatable['rows']['row'][$j]['hidden'][$i]['value']    = 
+                    $datatable['rows']['row'][$j]['hidden'][$i]['name']     = 
+                }
+                $j++;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    private function addRowActionsToDatatable(&$datatable) {
+       // NO pop-up
+        $datatable['rowactions']['action'] = array();
+       $parameters = array('parameter' => array(array('name' => 
'item_id','source' => 'id')));
+        $datatable['rowactions']['action'][] = array(
+                'my_name'              => 'view',
+                'text'                         => lang('view'),
+                'action'               => 
+                (
+                    'menuaction'       => 'property.uiitem.view',
+                    'role'          => $this->role
+                )),
+                'parameters'   => $parameters
+        );
+        $datatable['rowactions']['action'][] = array(
+                'my_name'              => 'view',
+                'text'                         => lang('open view in new 
+                'action'               => 
+                (
+                    'menuaction'       => 'property.uiitem.view',
+                    'role'                     => $this->role,
+                    'target'           => '_blank'
+                )),
+                'parameters'   => $parameters
+        );
+        $datatable['rowactions']['action'][] = array(
+                'my_name'              => 'edit',
+                'text'                         => lang('edit'),
+                'action'               => 
+                (
+                    'menuaction'=> 'property.uiitem.edit',
+                    'role'      => $this->role
+                )),
+                'parameters'   => $parameters
+        );
+        $datatable['rowactions']['action'][] = array(
+                'my_name'              => 'edit',
+                'text'                         => lang('open edit in new 
+                'action'               => 
+                (
+                'menuaction'   => 'property.uiitem.edit',
+                'role'                 => $this->role,
+                'target'               => '_blank'
+                )),
+                'parameters'   => $parameters
+        );
+        $datatable['rowactions']['action'][] = array(
+                'my_name'                      => 'delete',
+                'text'                         => lang('delete'),
+                'confirm_msg'  => lang('do you really want to delete this 
+                'action'               => 
+                (
+                'menuaction'   => 'property.uiitem.delete',
+                'role' => $this->role
+                )),
+                'parameters'   => $parameters
+        );
+        $datatable['rowactions']['action'][] = array(
+                'my_name'                      => 'add',
+                'text'                         => lang('add'),
+                'action'               => 
+                (
+                'menuaction'   => 'property.uiitem.edit',
+                'role' => $this->role
+                ))
+        );
+        unset($parameters);
+    }
+    private function loadYuiWidgets() {
+       phpgwapi_yui::load_widget('dragdrop');
+        phpgwapi_yui::load_widget('datatable');
+        phpgwapi_yui::load_widget('menu');
+        phpgwapi_yui::load_widget('connection');
+        //// cramirez: necesary for include a partucular js
+        phpgwapi_yui::load_widget('loader');
+        //cramirez: necesary for use opener . Avoid error JS
+        phpgwapi_yui::load_widget('tabview');
+        phpgwapi_yui::load_widget('paginator');
+        //FIXME this one is only needed when $lookup==true - so there is 
probably an error
+        phpgwapi_yui::load_widget('animation');
+    }
+    private function setupCss() {
+       if ( !isset($GLOBALS['phpgw']->css) || 
!is_object($GLOBALS['phpgw']->css) ) {
+            $GLOBALS['phpgw']->css = createObject('phpgwapi.css');
+        }
+        // Prepare CSS Style
+        $GLOBALS['phpgw']->css->validate_file('datatable');
+        $GLOBALS['phpgw']->css->validate_file('property');
+    }
+    private function setupBimCss() {
+    if ( !isset($GLOBALS['phpgw']->css) || !is_object($GLOBALS['phpgw']->css) 
) {
+            $GLOBALS['phpgw']->css = createObject('phpgwapi.css');
+        }
+    }
+    public function foo() {
+       /*
+       $formTest = array();
+       $formTest['msgbox_text']= "ble1";
+       $formTest['msgbox_class']= "classy";
+       //$formTest['form_elm']['button']['value'] = "ble2";
+       $template_vars = array();
+        $template_vars['msgbox_data'] = $formTest;
+        $GLOBALS['phpgw']->xslttpl->add_file(array('msgbox'));
+        //print_r($template_vars);
+        $GLOBALS['phpgw']->xslttpl->set_var('phpgw', $template_vars);
+        */
+       $xml=<<<XML
+       <PHPGW>
+       <project ifcObjectType="ifcproject">
+    <attributes>
+        <guid>3KFKb0sfrDJwSHalGIQFZT</guid>
+        <longName>FM Architectural Handover</longName>
+        <name>FM-A-01</name>
+    </attributes>
+    <ownerHistory>
+        <changeAction>ADDED</changeAction>
+        <creationDate>1179073813</creationDate>
+        <owningApplication>
+            <applicationDeveloper>
+                <name>AEC3</name>
+            </applicationDeveloper>
+            <applicationFullName>IFC text editor</applicationFullName>
+            <applicationIdentifier>IFCtext</applicationIdentifier>
+            <version>Version 1</version>
+        </owningApplication>
+        <owningUser>
+            <organization>
+                <name>AEC3</name>
+            </organization>
+            <person>
+                <familyName>Liebich</familyName>
+                <givenName>Thomas</givenName>
+            </person>
+        </owningUser>
+    </ownerHistory>
+    <decomposition>
+        <buildings>
+            <guid>28hfXoRX9EMhvGvGhmaaae</guid>
+        </buildings>
+        <site>28hfXoRX9EMhvGvGhmaaad</site>
+    </decomposition>
+    <units>
+        <unit>
+            <name>LENGTHUNIT</name>
+            <value>METRE</value>
+        </unit>
+        <unit>
+            <name>PLANEANGLEUNIT</name>
+            <value>DEGREE</value>
+        </unit>
+        <unit>
+            <name>AREAUNIT</name>
+            <value>SQUARE_METRE</value>
+        </unit>
+        <unit>
+            <name>VOLUMEUNIT</name>
+            <value>CUBIC_METRE</value>
+        </unit>
+    </units>
+       $GLOBALS['phpgw']->xslttpl->add_file(array('testProject3'));
+       $GLOBALS['phpgw']->xslttpl->set_xml_data($xml);
+       $this->setupCss();
+    }
+       private function getFacilityManagementXmlFromIfc($fileWithPath) {
+               $sobim_converter = new sobim_converter_impl();
+               $sobim_converter->setFileToSend($fileWithPath);
+               try {
+                       $returnedXml =  
+                       $sxe = simplexml_load_string($returnedXml);
+                       return $sxe;                    
+               } catch ( Exception $e) {
+                       echo $e;
+               }
+       }
+    public function showModels() {
+       $GLOBALS['phpgw']->js->validate_file( 'yahoo', 'bim.modellist', 
'property' );
+       /*$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['noheader'] = false;
+                       $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['nofooter'] = false;
+                       $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['xslt_app'] = false;
+                       $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->phpgw_header(true);*/
+       $GLOBALS['phpgw']->xslttpl->add_file(array('bim_showmodels'));
+       $bobimmodel = new bobimmodel_impl();
+       $sobimmodel = new sobimmodel_impl($this->db);
+       $bobimmodel->setSobimmodel($sobimmodel);
+       $output = $bobimmodel->createBimModelList();
+       $loadingImage = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->find_image('property', 
+       $data = array (
+               'models' => $output,
+               'loadingImage' => $loadingImage
+       );
+       $GLOBALS['phpgw']->xslttpl->set_var('phpgw',array('modelData' => 
+        $this->setupBimCss();
+       // echo '<script type="text/javascript" 
+        $ble =  <<<HTML
+        <script>YUI().use("event-delegate", function(Y) {
+    Y.delegate("click", function(e) {
+        //  The list item that matched the provided selector is the
+        //  default 'this' object
+        Y.log("Default scope: " + this.get("id"));
+        //  The list item that matched the provided selector is
+        //  also available via the event's currentTarget property
+        //  in case the 'this' object is overridden in the subscription.
+        Y.log("Clicked list item: " + e.currentTarget.get("id"));
+        //  The actual click target, which could be the matched item or a
+        //  descendant of it.
+        Y.log("Event target: " +;
+        //  The delegation container is added to the event facade
+        Y.log("Delegation container: " + e.container.get("id"));
+    }, "#container44", "li");
+        $someOutput =  '<div id="container44"><ul id="list"><li id="li-1">List 
Item 1</li>
+        <li id="li-2">List Item 2</li> 
+               <li id="li-3">List Item 3</li> 
+               <li id="li-4">List Item 4</li> 
+               <li id="li-5">List Item 5</li> 
+           </ul> 
+       </div> <script>doDelegate()</script>';
+    }
+    private $form_upload_field_filename ="ifc_file_name";
+    private $form_upload_field_modelname ="ifc_model_name";
+     public function upload() {
+       $GLOBALS['phpgw']->xslttpl->add_file(array('bim_upload_ifc'));
+        $import_action = 
'property.uiitem.uploadFile', 'id'=> $id));
+        $data = array
+                       (
+                               'importfile'                                    
=> $importfile,
+                               'values'                                        
        => $content,
+                               'form_field_modelname'                  => 
+                               'form_field_filename'                   => 
+                               'import_action'                                 
=> $import_action,
+                               'lang_import_statustext'                => 
lang('import to this location from spreadsheet'),
+                               'lang_import'                                   
=> lang('import'),
+                               'lang_cancel'                                   
=> lang('cancel')
+                       );
+        $GLOBALS['phpgw']->xslttpl->set_var('phpgw',array('upload' => $data));
+        $this->setupBimCss();
+     }
+     public function uploadFile() {
+       $uploadedFileArray = $_FILES[$this->form_upload_field_filename];
+       $modelName = phpgw::get_var($this->form_upload_field_modelname);
+       $filename = $uploadedFileArray['name'];
+               $filenameWithPath = $uploadedFileArray['tmp_name'];
+       $bobimmodel = new bobimmodel_impl();
+       $sovfs = new sovfs_impl($filename, $filenameWithPath, 
+       $bobimmodel->setVfsObject($sovfs);
+       $sobimmodel = new sobimmodel_impl($this->db);
+       $bobimmodel->setSobimmodel($sobimmodel);
+       $bobimmodel->setModelName($modelName);
+       $error = "";
+       try {
+               $bobimmodel->addUploadedIfcModel();
+       } catch (FileExistsException $e) {
+               $error =  $e;
+       } catch (Exception $e) {
+               $error =  $e;
+       }
+        $data = array
+                       (
+                               'importfile'                                    
=> print_r($_FILES, true),
+                               'modelName'                                     
        => $modelName,
+                               'error'                                         
        => $error
+                       );
+       $GLOBALS['phpgw']->xslttpl->set_var('phpgw',array('upload' => $data));
+     }
+     public function listModels() {
+     }
+     public function ifc() {
+       $GLOBALS['phpgw']->xslttpl->add_file(array('ifc'));
+     }
+    public function testdata() {
+        // BIM testdata
+               $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->transaction_begin();
+        $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->query("INSERT INTO fm_item_catalog (name, 
description) VALUES ('NOBB', 'Norsk Byggevarebase')");
+        $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->query("INSERT INTO fm_item_group (name, 
nat_group_no, bpn, parent_group, catalog_id) VALUES ('Doors', 'X', 123, NULL, 
(SELECT id FROM fm_item_catalog WHERE name = 'NOBB' LIMIT 1))");
+        $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->query("INSERT INTO fm_item_group (name, 
nat_group_no, bpn, parent_group, catalog_id) VALUES ('Windows', 'X', 123, NULL, 
(SELECT id FROM fm_item_catalog WHERE name = 'NOBB' LIMIT 1))");
+        $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->query("INSERT INTO fm_attr_data_type 
(display_name, function_name) VALUES ('integer', 'dt_int')");
+        $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->query("INSERT INTO fm_attr_group (name, sort) 
VALUES ('Dimensions', 1)");
+        $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->query("INSERT INTO fm_attr_group (name, sort) 
VALUES ('Layout', 2)");
+        $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->query("INSERT INTO fm_attr_def
+                (name, display_name, description, data_type_id, unit_id, 
+                VALUES (
+                    'height',
+                    'Height',
+                    NULL,
+                    (SELECT id FROM fm_attr_data_type WHERE function_name = 
+                    (SELECT id FROM fm_standard_unit WHERE id = 'mm'),
+                    (SELECT id FROM fm_attr_group WHERE name = 'Dimensions')
+                )"
+        );
+        $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->query("INSERT INTO fm_attr_def
+                (name, display_name, description, data_type_id, unit_id, 
+                VALUES (
+                    'width',
+                    'Width',
+                    NULL,
+                    (SELECT id FROM fm_attr_data_type WHERE function_name = 
+                    (SELECT id FROM fm_standard_unit WHERE id = 'mm'),
+                    (SELECT id FROM fm_attr_group WHERE name = 'Dimensions')
+                )"
+        );
+        $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->query("INSERT INTO fm_attr_def
+                (name, display_name, description, data_type_id, unit_id, 
+                VALUES (
+                    'depth',
+                    'Depth',
+                    NULL,
+                    (SELECT id FROM fm_attr_data_type WHERE function_name = 
+                    'mm',
+                    (SELECT id FROM fm_attr_group WHERE name = 'Dimensions')
+                )"
+        );
+        $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->query("INSERT INTO fm_attr_def
+                (name, display_name, description, data_type_id, unit_id, 
+                VALUES (
+                    'tiles',
+                    'No of tiles',
+                    NULL,
+                    (SELECT id FROM fm_attr_data_type WHERE function_name = 
+                    'mm',
+                    (SELECT id FROM fm_attr_group WHERE name = 'Layout')
+                )"
+        );
+        // Items
+        $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->query("INSERT INTO fm_item
+                (group_id, location_id, vendor_id, installed)
+                VALUES (
+                    (SELECT id FROM fm_item_group WHERE name = 'Doors'),
+                    1,
+                    1,
+                    ".time()."
+                )"
+        );
+        $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->query("INSERT INTO fm_item
+                (group_id, location_id, vendor_id, installed)
+                VALUES (
+                    (SELECT id FROM fm_item_group WHERE name = 'Doors'),
+                    1,
+                    1,
+                    ".time()."
+                )"
+        );
+               $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->transaction_commit();
+    }
+    public function emptydb() {
+        $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->query("DELETE FROM fm_item_attr");
+        $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->query("DELETE FROM fm_item_group_attr");
+        $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->query("DELETE FROM fm_attr_def");
+        $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->query("DELETE FROM fm_attr_value");
+        $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->query("DELETE FROM fm_attr_group");
+        $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->query("DELETE FROM fm_attr_choice");
+        $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->query("DELETE FROM fm_attr_data_type");
+        $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->query("DELETE FROM fm_item");
+        $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->query("DELETE FROM fm_item_group");
+        $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->query("DELETE FROM fm_item_catalog");
+    }

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