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Re: [Freebangfont-devel] encouraging discovery about ttx

From: taneem
Subject: Re: [Freebangfont-devel] encouraging discovery about ttx
Date: Fri, 7 Feb 2003 20:33:14 -0500
User-agent: Internet Messaging Program (IMP) 3.1


ttx has an option to dump out all the tables in different files, and if you 
substitue the glyph shape file with a different shape file (from some other 
font) then it will generate a new OT font. This is of course ignoring the GPOS 
issue, and some constraint (i.e. same number of glyphs in both fonts at the 
same location, etc).  Earlier I my proposal was based on this.

As you are playing with ttx, maybe you can do a small test to verify this?

Also, when you say ttx fails to regenerate from a .ttx file, does the original 
ttf file contained volt's extra tables? In that case you may want to try with a 
font which is "shipped" through volt. As far as I remember, it worked for me.


Quoting Deepayan Sarkar <address@hidden>:

> I was fooling around with ttx and discovered something interesting. My
> earlier 
> attempts to use ttx were like this:
> With likhan.ttf produced by VOLT,
> $ ttx likhan.ttf    <- produces likhan.ttx
> $ ttx likhan.ttx    <- supposed to produce likhan.ttf, but fails
> This time around, I did the first step, and saved the GSUB table in
> likhan.ttx 
> in a separate file. I then generated a fresh likhan.ttf w/o any opentype 
> tables from pfaedit, ran ttx on it to get likhan.ttx, and added the 
> previously saved GSUB table (not any of the other tables). The resulting file
> is successfully compiled by ttx, and seems to be a valid opentype font. It 
> works in yudit and gedit, as well as (surprise!) openoffice (I haven't tried
> Windows yet).
> The font is available at
> I would appreciate it if someone else could confirm that it works with 
> openoffice.
> The other tables that I didn't add were GPOS (which shouldn't have been there
> in the first place) and GDEF (which was causing the problems). Anyone know 
> what GDEF is for ?
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