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Re: InlineEvaluator implementation question

From: Mark Mitchell
Subject: Re: InlineEvaluator implementation question
Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2002 08:30:55 -0800

--On Monday, December 16, 2002 04:55:52 PM +0100 Richard Guenther <address@hidden> wrote:


Does anyone remember why we create copies of the LHS and RHS inside
the KernelEvaluator<InlineKernelTag>::evaluate() methods (within
ReductionEvaluator<InlineKernelTag>::evaluate() is similar code)? I.e.
there is code like

  template<class LHS,class Op,class RHS,class Domain>
  inline static void evaluate(const LHS& lhs,const Op& op,const RHS& rhs,
                              const Domain& domain,WrappedInt<1>)
    PAssert(domain[0].first() == 0);
    LHS localLHS(lhs);
    RHS localRHS(rhs);
    int e0 = domain[0].length();
    for (int i0=0; i0<e0; ++i0)

I'm pretty sure that this copy allowed some C++ compilers (KCC) to see
that some parts of lhs/rhs were loop-invariant, and then hoist references
to those fields out of the loop.  (The compiler can see that nothing can
modify localLHS; it's less obvious to it that nothing can modify rhs
since it doesn't know what else might point to that location.)

Mark Mitchell                address@hidden
CodeSourcery, LLC  

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