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Re: [FR-devel] First Developer Release of FreeRIDE coming VERY SOON!

From: Hal E. Fulton
Subject: Re: [FR-devel] First Developer Release of FreeRIDE coming VERY SOON!
Date: Thu, 16 May 2002 23:26:49 -0500

----- Original Message -----
From: Curt Hibbs
To: Freeride-Devel
Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2002 7:37 PM
Subject: [FR-devel] First Developer Release of FreeRIDE coming VERY SOON!

> You've all been very patient waiting for your chance to start contributing
real code
> to FreeRIDE, so I wanted to take a moment to give you a quick update.

Curt, this is great! Congratulations on an impending landmark.

By the way, do we have a CVS repository set up that we can all access?
I've never actually used CVS over the web, but I gather there's a way?

> You can open and edit files, the mechanism is in place for defining

This impacts the Scripting project if I understand you correctly.

> adding them to menupanes, and adding menupanes to the menubar. The
> creation and use of GUI components (commands, menus, edit-control, etc.)
> completely separated from the back-end rendering of the GUI components. Of
> course, I will be checking in FXRuby rendering components.

Does this allow for the smart-icon idea to be implemented?
In a nutshell, this is how smart-icons would work:
  1. User creates a script or macro
  2. User selects a small icon from a predefined library
  3. Smart-icon is associated with the script or macro and placed
      on a toolbar

> Before I check the code in I need to add RDoc comments, test it under the
> release for FXRuby, and write up some release notes that document the
> I will, subsequently, use these release notes as the basis for a more
> documentation update on the wiki.

Again, that's great.

Let's all roll up our sleeves and start coding. I actually wrote a bit last
will look at Curt's stuff and see if there's any synergy there yet...


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