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[FR-devel] Re: FreeRIDE 0.5.0rc1: issues while packaging

From: Richard Kilmer
Subject: [FR-devel] Re: FreeRIDE 0.5.0rc1: issues while packaging
Date: Mon, 30 Dec 2002 09:23:38 -0500


First, thanks for working on Debian packages...this gives us three binary distributions which is awesome and will really help in adoption going forward.

The writing of properties has been addressed in CVS by Laurent (thanks Laurent!) will use a $HOME dir (and USERPROFILE on win32) if a .freeride directory exists, otherwise operates the same as now. The FreeRIDE team needs to work on this more fully in that there are other files that may need to be created/managed by plugins beyond .yaml properties files.

Sorry for forgetting the multiuser system...I have no one to blame but myself!


On Monday, December 30, 2002, at 06:35 AM, Mauricio Fernández wrote:

I've experienced the following with the Debian packages I just made;
examination of the official RPM package shows that this issue is common
to all packages:

the core classes and the plugins try to write in read-only YAML files,
placed somewhere in /usr/lib/freeride and/or /usr/share/freeride.

This means that some things such as running the program, exiting
cleanly, etc, won't work.

A typical error message would be
/usr/share/freeride/freebase/readers.rb:28:in `initialize': Permission
denied -
        from /usr/share/freeride/freebase/readers.rb:28:in `new'
        from /usr/share/freeride/freebase/readers.rb:28:in `save'
        from /usr/share/freeride/freebase/properties.rb:92:in `save'
        from /usr/share/freeride/freebase/properties.rb:54:in
        from /usr/share/freeride/freebase/databus.rb:615:in `notify'
from /usr/share/freeride/freebase/databus.rb:610:in `each_value'
        from /usr/share/freeride/freebase/databus.rb:610:in `notify'
        from /usr/share/freeride/freebase/databus.rb:619:in `notify'
         ... 24 levels...
        from /usr/share/freeride/freebase/core.rb:35:in `new'
        from /usr/share/freeride/freebase/core.rb:35:in `startup'
        from /usr/share/freeride/freeride.rb:53:in `startup'
        from /usr/share/freeride/freeride.rb:66

After a quick look at the code, I think I identified some of the methods
that might need modification to support per-user (in $HOME) properties;
but I don't dare do it since (a) I'm not familiar at all w/ FreeRIDE and
(b) I don't know what to do about Windows.


 _           _
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        Running Debian GNU/Linux Sid (unstable)
batsman dot geo at yahoo dot com

How should I know if it works?  That's what beta testers are for.  I
only coded it.
        -- Attributed to Linus Torvalds, somewhere in a posting

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