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Re: [freesci-develop] Debian

From: Stuffed Crust
Subject: Re: [freesci-develop] Debian
Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2003 18:20:46 -0400
User-agent: Mutt/1.4.1i

On Wed, Sep 03, 2003 at 04:31:02AM +0200, Christoph Reichenbach wrote:
> (2) auto-detect version number from SCIV.EXE or similar

Well, we do have this sorta in-place, but we use resource.00[01]
instead, I believe.  We identify the game that way, and use the
appropriate SCI revision. I don't recall if anyone came up with an
example of any games shipped with identical resource file(s) but
different interpreters..  (and if that's the case is there any reason to 
not use the newest known interpreter?)

> - backport 0.6 soundsystem as an option (!) once it's done
> - backport 0.6 "per-resource palettes" stuff
> - come up with a few nice-looking per-resource palette settings for
>   a game or two

Personally, I really don't think backporting stuff is worth it, instead 
the effort should go into fixing up the problems glutton has with SCI0 
games.  Certianly a showstopper of sorts is wider sound support, right?

 - Pizza [yeah, still alive. :)]
Solomon Peachy                                   address@hidden
                                                           ICQ #1318444
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur                 Melbourne, FL

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