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Re: [FreeSnell-discuss] regular wavelength intervals

From: Aubrey Jaffer
Subject: Re: [FreeSnell-discuss] regular wavelength intervals
Date: Sun, 18 Dec 2011 10:58:51 -0500 (EST)

 | From: Aubrey Jaffer <address@hidden>
 | Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2011 11:45:02 -0500 (EST)
 |  | From: Willie Jin <address@hidden>
 |  | Date: Sat, 10 Dec 2011 23:54:23 -0500
 |  | 
 |  | Is there a way to set the wavelengths range using an interval between
 |  | each calculation; instead of using an abscissa range?  In other words,
 |  | can I make each calculated wavelength differ by a set interval?

Me earlier reply was incorrect.  FreeSnell evaluates optics along an
exponential curve between the two endpoint wavelengths.  It was done
this way so that changing the abscissa units does not affect the
ordinates displayed.  Also, having varying increments between
wavelengths prevents (sampling) aliasing from affecting the whole plot

 | Yes, using the samples keyword:
 |    (wavelengths 1e-6 10e-6)
 |    (samples 10)
 | would compute the optical properties at intervals of 1 um.
 | Or are you interested in non-uniform intervals?

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