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[Devel] Bug#94041: Freetype (either version) not 64-bit clean

From: Anthony Fok
Subject: [Devel] Bug#94041: Freetype (either version) not 64-bit clean
Date: Sun, 15 Apr 2001 12:26:51 -0600
User-agent: Mutt/1.2.5i

Hello all,

I just received a _critical_ bug report on FreeType
from a fellow Debian developer.  It does look quite serious
because neither FreeType 1 nor FreeType 2 works properly
on a 64-bit platform like Alpha, Sparc64 and the upcoming IA64.

So yes, please do try to fix it to make FreeType truly
a universal font engine.



----- Forwarded message from "Christopher C. Chimelis" <address@hidden> -----

Date: Sun, 15 Apr 2001 05:18:04 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Christopher C. Chimelis" <address@hidden>
Subject: Bug#94041: Freetype (either version) not 64-bit clean
To: address@hidden
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Package: freetype
Severity: critical

All versions of freetype are not 64-bit clean.  The headers are littered
with things like:
    TT_ULong   ulUnicodeRange1;        /* Bits 0-31   */
    TT_ULong   ulUnicodeRange2;        /* Bits 32-63  */
    TT_ULong   ulUnicodeRange3;        /* Bits 64-95  */
    TT_ULong   ulUnicodeRange4;        /* Bits 96-127 */

On Alpha (also IA64 and possibly sparc64), ULong=64bit unsigned
long.  This causes problems when running some things, such as ttfbanner
from freetype-tools.  Here's a sample from Alpha...the segfault is because
of 64-bit issues:
        ~ > ttfbanner -p 8 ./ARIAL.TTF test
        Segmentation fault

This has been brought up with upstream by myself and one other Tru64
porter, but at the time, they denied that it was a problem despite
numerous examples of segfaults and problems.

This has been a known issue for quite some time, but I attempted to make a
patch to fix it.  Unfortunately, the source defied all attempts.  If you
can speak with them and/or make the code NOT assume that longs and
pointers are not 32-bits, the entire Alpha-Linux world would owe you a
beer :-P


----- End forwarded message -----

Anthony Fok Tung-Ling                Civil and Environmental Engineering
address@hidden, address@hidden    University of Alberta, Canada
   Debian GNU/Linux Chinese Project --
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