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Re: [Devel] Gamma correction for anti-aliasing

From: Vadim Plessky
Subject: Re: [Devel] Gamma correction for anti-aliasing
Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2002 23:16:11 +0400
User-agent: KMail/1.4.1

On Saturday 08 June 2002 11:06 am, Vincent Caron wrote:
|  - In order to really improve TrueType font rendering in applications,
|  the last step is to support gasp tables. When turning on AA under KDE or
|  Mozilla,  AA seems a little blurry and incomfortable. The gamma
|  correction is the first half of the answer, gasp is the second half. KDE
|  as a UI tends to use fonts in the 10-12pt range, precisely where most
|  gasp tables will tell you _not_ to use AA. I asked some Windows and Mac
|  users to look at KDE screenshots with AA, and they globally told me that
|  'it sucked' (apply standard inter-community moderation ratio here :)).
|  IMHO they're kinda right.

Hello Vincent!

I successfully run KDE3 (and KDE 2.x before) with AA enabled for *all* point 
sizes. There are some issues with AA rendering of TrueType (badly-hinted) 
fonts, but well-hinted fonts (for example: Verdana, Palatino Linotype) have 
no such problem.
Some time ago (say, after FreeType 2.0.9 release) I switched to PostScript 
Type1 fonts and FT2 with TrueType Bytecode Interpreter *disabled*. So far, I 
can tell you that I am satisfied with results, and again run KDE *with AA 

Your point that "some Windows and Mac users looked at KDE screenshots with AA, 
and they globally told me that 'it sucked' " - is meaningless.
Windows users have bo idea what is *good* or what is *bad*. Basically, they 
just have no idea that things can be different from what they see in Windows.
It's fine with me if you are going to implement gasp support in FreeType. But 
pls consider first wether it worth efforts, and wether someone will use 
results of your work.

BTW: if you want screenshots of KDE3 with AA enabled - I can provide them. 
Just let me know what applications are interesting for you.

Best regards,

Vadim Plessky  (English)
33 Window Decorations and 6 Widget Styles for KDE
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