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[Devel] FT 2.1.2 - FT_Library_Version bugs?

From: Jan Slupski
Subject: [Devel] FT 2.1.2 - FT_Library_Version bugs?
Date: Mon, 22 Jul 2002 17:21:22 +0200 (CEST)


First of all
This function retuns 2, 1, 0 in FreeType 2.1.2.

This is quite important because of incompatibility
between 2.1.0 & 2.1.2 versions of Freetype (with rotated texts)

Without proper information, there is no way to write universal 
program that can use different versions of Freetype compiled as shared

Another bug:

Orginal function (ftobjs.c)B:

FT_Library_Version( FT_Library   library,
                    FT_Int      *amajor,
                    FT_Int      *aminor,
                    FT_Int      *apatch )
    if ( *amajor )      *amajor = major;
    if ( *aminor )      *aminor = minor;
    if ( *apatch )      *apatch = patch;

Shouldn't it be:

FT_Library_Version( FT_Library   library,
                    FT_Int      *amajor,
                    FT_Int      *aminor,
                    FT_Int      *apatch )
    if ( amajor )      *amajor = major;
    if ( aminor )      *aminor = minor;
    if ( apatch )      *apatch = patch;



What decision is made with rotation matrix?
Will FT 2.1.3 be compatible in this subject with FT 2.1.2 
or with <= FT 2.1.1 ?

In my opinion it's dangerous to change API (so leaving compatible with
2.1.2). Installing new (minor) version of library shouldn't break
all programs written before. And it will.

   _  _  _  _  _____________________________________________
   | |_| |\ |  S L U P S K I              address@hidden
 |_| | | | \|         

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