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From: Matthijs Melchior
Subject: Re: [Devel] On GRAYS_USE_GAMMA
Date: Mon, 07 Apr 2003 00:30:40 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.3) Gecko/20030327 Debian/1.3-4

Billy Biggs wrote:

Matthijs Melchior (address@hidden):

I recommend Poynton:
Yes...., this is what I had done before and gives good results when
you have the driver correct the display gamma.

 (when you say 'driver correct the display gamma', you mean use xgamma
with a value other than 1.0?)

Yes, that is what I mean.

If I do not apply the gamma correction, than everything is much too
dark.  This can be corrected somewhat by using different settings for
brightness and contrast on my monitor!  And that does not maintain
black level....!

 Could your monitor be broken or otherwise too dim?
No, my monitor is not broken, it is a gooq quality 19" DELL
When I set contrast to maximum, my eyes almost hurt due to the amoount of light.

---- Info from XFree86.0.log ----
Mode "1600x1200": 212.5 MHz, 98.4 kHz, 78.7 Hz
3dfx Banshee, 24 bit color, 1600x1200, 100dpi
DDC info: Manufacturer: DEL  Model: 5178,
         Analog Display Input,  Input Voltage Level: 0.700/0.300 V
         Gamma: 2.50
Monitor name: DELL P991
redX: 0.625 redY: 0.340   greenX: 0.280 greenY: 0.605
blueX: 0.155 blueY: 0.070   whiteX: 0.283 whiteY: 0.298


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Matthijs Melchior                                       Maarssen  /\\
address@hidden          +31 346 570616          Netherlands _\_v
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