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[ft-devel] [patch] make up vertical metrics for truetype fonts

From: Chia I Wu
Subject: [ft-devel] [patch] make up vertical metrics for truetype fonts
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2005 10:37:24 +0800
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.9i


This patch fixes some bugs in vertical metrics of truetype fonts.  Some
of the bugs are subtle, so I list the reasons of the changes:

1. loader->pp3.y, loader->pp4.y are in 26.6, not in font units.
2. the advance height is fixed and the height of glyphs differs,
   therefore glyphs should be vertically centered, instead of having fixed
   top bearing, 
3. as we use glyph's cbox to calculate the top bearing now (in contrast
   to revision 1.2!), there's no need to adjust `top'.

The changelog entries are:

* src/sfnt/ttsbit.c (tt_face_load_sbit_image): Make up vertBearingY such
that glyphs are vertically centered.

* src/truetype/ttgload.c (compute_glyph_metrics): Make up vertBearingY
such that glyphs are vertically centered.
Fix some bugs in vertical metrics.


Attachment: ft2-tt-vertical-metrics.patch
Description: Text document

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