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Re: [ft-devel] Problem cross-compiling freetype-2.3.8 for ARM

From: David Turner
Subject: Re: [ft-devel] Problem cross-compiling freetype-2.3.8 for ARM
Date: Tue, 3 Mar 2009 14:39:48 +0100

2009/2/25 Jean-Claude Repetto <address@hidden>
David Turner a écrit :

This has been recently fixed in the CVS repository, see this for details:;a=commitdiff;h=7bb1c4ce1221edb3ed900666fee3eae790255820


Thanks to mpsuzuki, Werner and David for your answers.

It seems the problem came from a syntax error in the ARM assembly language. But I could compile successfully freetype-2.3.8 for the at4x0a version of the ARM processor, with this cross-compiler :

Does it mean that assembly language is not used for this processor ?

Not necessarily, it depends on how pedantic your assembler really is, which could come from the way the toolchain was configured or something else.
The best way to determine if the code is compiled or not is to add deliberate "#error FOO" lines in it and see if this is reflected at build time.



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