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[ft-devel] Math error? Spacing drastically different VS2005 to GNU/ARM (

From: Todd Sprague
Subject: [ft-devel] Math error? Spacing drastically different VS2005 to GNU/ARM (v2.4.4)
Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2011 13:18:49 -0700 (PDT)

I've got the same code compiling in VS2005 and in a variant of a GNU ARM

The fonts come out looking great under the Win32 build, but in the embedded
ARM system, they are very widely spaced out.  

They're both little-endian 32-bit systems, using version 2.4.4, and it's
using ftconfig.h from include/freetype/config for both systems.  (also tried
the unix version on the ARM system, but that didn't change anything)

I had it print some information out, confirming that the struct sizes are
the same on both systems.  However, the ARM compiler is choosing not to
define FT_INT64, so I assume it's using a different routine to calculate the
slot->advance values.

My question is: where should I look and/or what should I change, to make
them act the same?  

In particular, it appears to me that the ARM system is doing some incorrect
math from the metrics width value of 0x2C0 to get 0x800, but I'm having
trouble identifying why this might be.

Any help will be much appreciated -- I've burned several days looking for
this so far.

Below are some output messages created on both systems, and you'll see that
horiAdvance comes out very different on the ARM system (both are looking at
the metrics for capital 'A')

--------------Win32 Output--------------------
Opened font c:\Windows\Fonts\ARIALBD.TTF, size 16, sizeof(facerec) = 132
sizeof(FT_INT64) = 8
First 'A', sizeof(glyphslotrec)=160
FT_Get_Advance = 0x2C0
Metrics: width=0x2C0, height=0x300
Metrics: hAdvance=0x2C0, vAdvance=0x3C0

---------------ARM Output------------------
Opened font ARIALBD.TTF, size 16, sizeof(facerec) = 132
FT_INT64 not defined!
First 'A', sizeof(glyphslotrec)=160
FT_Get_Advance = 0x800
Metrics: width=0x2C0, height=0x300
Metrics: hAdvance=0x800, vAdvance=0x3C0

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