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[ft-devel] FreeType2 API popularity investigation

From: suzuki toshiya
Subject: [ft-devel] FreeType2 API popularity investigation
Date: Tue, 04 Sep 2012 19:11:39 +0900
User-agent: Mozilla-Thunderbird (X11/20080406)


Just I did a preliminary investigation of FreeType2 API popularity.
What I did was following:

1) Get the catalogs of the binary packages of Linux distributions.

Debian: mirror site's 
Fedora: mirror site's 

In my case, Debian sid and FedoraCore 17 were checked.

2) Get the binary packages that the catalog shows the direct
dependency from the binary package to

Parsing the catalog files are done by attached Ruby scripts
(parseAptPackages.rb for Debian, parseYumPrimary.rb for Fedora)

3) Extract the package content and execute "nm" on the binary
executable, shared object, and archive files. Then pick the
symbols looking like FreeType2. Scanning is done by attached
shell scripts ( for .deb package, for .rpm package).

4) Result
Also I attached the list of package (pkglist), the list of
APIs used by the packages (per-package counting) (usedfunc),
and the frequency list (freqlist). The unit of the frequency is
the number of the package (how many package uses the function),
not the number of the reference (how many times the function
is referred).


One of the interesting point is that the frequencies of
FT_Init_FreeType() and FT_Done_FreeType() are different.
I guess that some applications allocate FT_Library object
but finishes without freeing it.


Werner LEMBERG wrote:
>>  I think FreeType3 should have some distinction of APIs between the
>> APIs bound to real single font file, and APIs not bound to.  Maybe I
>> should investigate the existing software and make a list of referred
>> APIs and their popularity.
> Please do so!
>     Werner

Description: Bourne shell script

Attachment: freqlist-sid.txt.xz
Description: Binary data

Attachment: usedfunc-sid.txt.xz
Description: Binary data

Attachment: pkglist-sid.txt.xz
Description: Binary data

Attachment: parseAptPackages.rb
Description: application/ruby

Description: Bourne shell script

Attachment: pkglist-fc17.txt.xz
Description: Binary data

Attachment: usedfunc-fc17.txt.xz
Description: Binary data

Attachment: freqlist-fc17.txt.xz
Description: Binary data

Attachment: parseYumPrimary.rb
Description: application/ruby

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