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Re: [ft-devel] FTLicense Clarifications

From: Jonathan Reyes
Subject: Re: [ft-devel] FTLicense Clarifications
Date: Tue, 9 Dec 2014 16:22:06 +0900

Hi Mr. Lemberg,

Thank you for getting back to me so quickly.

Sorry I didn't explicitly mentioned that header files are also included, but 
yes, libraries and headers will be distributed.

> Including `FTL.txt' doesn't make sense for such cases – they are delivering 
> *final* products that are not intended for being re-used.
> I think it is fully sufficient if your customers include a disclaimer, as 
> described in `FTL.txt', so that they acknowledge the FreeType project.

Thank you very much for clearing up the requirements for end-user. Including a 
disclaimer will suffice. 

> Of course, it doesn't hurt to include the license file, in case they already 
> doing so for other components (cf. the `credits'
> sections in smartphones).

I also acknowledge the statement above and understand that, whenever possible, 
they could include the license file but it is not required for the final 
products of our customers.

I'd appreciate it if you could re-affirm my comprehension. Thank you very much 

Best regards,


-----Original Message-----
From: address@hidden [mailto:address@hidden On Behalf Of Werner LEMBERG
Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2014 4:00 PM
To: Jonathan Reyes
Cc: address@hidden
Subject: Re: [ft-devel] FTLicense Clarifications

> 1. Only FreeType libraries will be redistributed, sources will not
>    be included.

OK, but ...

> 2. Our customers, which are developers, will have to link against
>    those FreeType libraries.

... normally you need FreeType header files also.  Does your API hide FreeType 

> 3. The products that our customers will be creating will be sold to
>    their own customers.


> These are the following things that I understand we should do to 
> conform with FTL.
> 1. Include the FTL.txt
> 2. Include the Copyright
> 3. Include a disclaimer
> 1. Including the FTL.txt file in our distribution package to our
>    customers will satisfy 1 and 2 above.  Is that correct?

You are certainly on the safe side if you do so, since it helps your customers 
understand under which conditions the FreeType library can be used.

> 2. When our customers link against FreeType libraries to create
>    their own products, do they have to satisfy the requirements of
>    the FTL?  More specifically, do our customers have to include the
>    FTL.txt, copyright notice and disclaimer in their products (their
>    possible products are game software such as software for
>    playstation, Wii, or apps for smart phone etc.)?

Including `FTL.txt' doesn't make sense for such cases – they are delivering 
*final* products that are not intended for being re-used.
I think it is fully sufficient if your customers include a disclaimer, as 
described in `FTL.txt', so that they acknowledge the FreeType project.  Of 
course, it doesn't hurt to include the license file, in case they already doing 
so for other components (cf. the `credits'
sections in smartphones).


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