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Re: [ft-devel] [GSoC] ftinspect

From: Werner LEMBERG
Subject: Re: [ft-devel] [GSoC] ftinspect
Date: Sat, 01 Apr 2017 00:14:14 +0200 (CEST)

>> “make CXX="g++ -std=c++98"” does the trick,

Great news, thanks!

>> but TrueTypeViewer uses Qt 3 as well, so that one is hopeless.
> -std=c++98 was still not enough in my case (gcc 6.3.1).  I've fixed
> the two issues that appeared then [1] which allowed it to compile.
> You still need -std=c++98 and depending on the distribution might
> have to change the name of the Qt library.  Fedora for instance only
> ships the multi-threaded version of Qt3, which can be selected with
> make CXXFLAGS="-std=c++98" QT_LIBRARY="qt-mt"

On my openSuSE 64bit box I must also change `-L$(QTDIR)/lib' to
`-L$(QTDIR)/lib64'; to do that I'm using


  MACHINE := $(shell uname -m)
  ifeq ($(MACHINE), x86_64)


  LDFLAGS=-L$(QTDIR)/${libsubdir} -l${QT_LIBRARY}

> As for the application, the most prominent feature is probably the very
> extensive TT debugging.



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