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Re: [Freetype] Re: Your rasterizer (ftgrays.c)

From: Francesco Zappa Nardelli
Subject: Re: [Freetype] Re: Your rasterizer (ftgrays.c)
Date: 12 Feb 2001 19:08:33 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.0807 (Gnus v5.8.7) Emacs/20.3


MP> Do you have any sample code that would help me understand how it works? Do
MP> you have any suggestions as to how I would go about implementing a function
MP> like this:
MP> DrawPolygon(rect *r, int n, char *buf, int w, int h) where r is an array of
MP> n points (x,y) which form a closed polygon and buf is a pointer to a 24bit
MP> bitmap of width w and height h? Would this be simple or very hard to
MP> implement?

DT> I don't have an example handy, but basically, you'd need to:

DT>   - convert your polygon to a FT_Outline (see FT_Outline_New,
DT>     FT_Outline_Done)

DT>   - call FT_Outline_Render, by taking care of providing your
DT>     own span callback to write to your own bitmap

A sample code that implements what David suggests is provided by the
/gsft/ patch to Ghostscript: it makes Ghostscript invoke the FT2
rasterizer in order to fill the paths generated by Ghostscript when
rendering Type1 fonts.

Hope this helps,

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