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Re: [Freetype] A question about font effect

From: 王毅
Subject: Re: [Freetype] A question about font effect
Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2001 11:07:07 +0800

Thanks and I succeeded in improving the font effect with your option. But I have encountered another question. When the font size is under 15 point, the glyph that I got through FTC_Image_Cache_Lookup() function is to be a black square. And when I zoom in the font size, the glyph that I got is ok.

I debugged into Freetype lib and found that sfnt->load_sbit_image was called when font size is under 15 point, but it would not be called when font size became bigger. 

Before I called FTC_Image_Cache_Lookup(), I use:
m_ftcCurrentFont.image_type = ftc_image_grays;
But after I called FTC_Image_Cache_Lookup(), the pixel_mode of the glyph became ft_pixel_mode_mono. It seem to be an error.

Finally, I want to know when I should call FTC_SBit_Cache_Lookup() and when I should call FTC_Image_Cache_Lookup(). Thanks for your help.


>     I come from China and I use Freetype2 to display Chinese font (for
> example "simsun.ttc"). But I find that the font effect of Freetype 2.0
> is much better than that of Freetype 2.0.2, 2.0.3, 2.0.4, etc,
> especially when font size is under 15 point and I use anti-alias
> effect. Please tell me the reason and how to solve the question,
> thanks.

You have to activate the TT_CONFIG_OPTION_BYTECODE_INTERPRETER option in ftoption.h which is disabled by default.


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