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Re: [Freetype] FT 2.1.4 new version

From: David Turner
Subject: Re: [Freetype] FT 2.1.4 new version
Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2003 21:56:49 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.3b) Gecko/20030210

Hello Nir,

Nir Rostoker wrote:
Hi !
During work I've made on a previous version of FreeType, I have made some changes in order to reduce RAM consumption and use ROM instead.

Within this work a few changes were needed in order to* reduce RAM consumption and using ROM instead.*

The main changes we have made in a nutshell:
*Not loading to RAM* the* CVT*,* glyhplocations*,* horizontal and vertical metrics* and* kerning* table but instead parsing them on the fly when needed, from the* font file on the ROM*.

*My question is: *
*I have noticed a new version of FT was released - 2.1.4*
*Are those changes, i.e., instead of loading those font tables to the RAM, parsing them on the fly from the ROM supported in the new FT version ? *

*If not is it scheduled for the near future ? *

Some work has been done in this direction. More precisely, there is now
a function called FT_Stream_Extract_Frame which will "extract" a frame
of contiguous bytes from a file. If it's directly available from memory,
this just sets a pointer, otherwise, it allocates a buffer and copies
the data into it. Hence, it saves RAM when the font is in ROM

The function FT_Stream_Release_Frame is used to "release" the frame,
i.e. do nothing or free the buffer. There are also convenience macros

This is used to "load" the CVT and a few other tables (but not the
"loca", "hmtx" and "vmtx"). Changing the engine to do so might be
a good idea though it is not planned for the immediate future.

Don't forget that the best way to have the feature incorporated into
the engine is to send a working patch the current CVS sources. If it's
not completely stupid, the chances that it gets accepted are fairly
high :-)


- David Turner
- The FreeType Project  (

*Some examples for the changes we have made:*

_*CVT table:*_**
Instead of loading the CVT table to the RAM and read CVT values from there, I just set a pointer to the CVT in the Fontfile based on the ROM, this is done in the

TT_Load_CVT() function.
When CVT values are needed we parse it on the fly by the TT_GetCVT() function.

The functions TT_GetCVT() , TT_Load_CVT() are show below.

/* <Function> */ /* TT_GetCVT */ /* */ /* <Description> */ /* Given a face and a CVT table entry index in that face, returns the */ /* CVT value */ FT_UShort
  TT_GetCVT( TT_Face    face,
             FT_UInt    index )
        FT_Byte* p;
        // In case glyph location is 16bit

                p = (FT_Byte*) ( ((FT_UShort*)face->cvtPtr) + index );
                return (FT_UShort)( FT_GET_USHORT_BE( p ) );

Respectvly  TT_Load_CVT() function was to be changed -

/* <Function> */ /* TT_Load_CVT */ /* <Description> */ /* Loads the control value table into a face object. */ /* <InOut> */
  /*    face   :: A handle to the target face object.                    */
/* <Input> */ /* stream :: A handle to the input stream. */ /* <Return> */ /* FreeType error code. 0 means success. */
  TT_Load_CVT( TT_Face    face,
               FT_Stream  stream )
    FT_Error   error;
   FT_ULong   table_len;

    FT_TRACE2(( "CVT " ));
    error = face->goto_table( face, TTAG_cvt, stream, &table_len );
    if ( error )
      FT_TRACE2(( "is missing!\n" ));

      face->cvt_size = 0;
      face->cvtPtr= NULL;
      error          = TT_Err_Ok;

      goto Exit;

    face->cvt_size = table_len / 2;

    face->cvtPtr = (FT_Short*) ( stream->base + stream->pos );
    return error;

_*GlyphLocations table:*_**
In the same manner we take care of the* GlyphLocations table*. Instead of loading the GlyphLocations table to the RAM and read GlyphLocations values from there, I just set a pointer to the GlyphLocations in the Fontfile based on the ROM,

this is done in the TT_Prepare_Locations() function. When GlyphLocations values are needed we parse it on the fly by the TT_Find_Location() function.

The functions TT_Prepare_Locations() , TT_Find_Location() are show below.

/* <Function> */ /* TT_Prepare_Locations */ /* <Description> */
  /*    Set-up member variables in the face object to point to the       */
/* locations table, for later usage by TT_Find_Location. */ /* <InOut> */ /* face :: A handle to the target face object. */ /* <Input> */ /* stream :: The input stream. */ /* <Return> */ /* FreeType error code. 0 means success. */ FT_LOCAL_DEF FT_Error
  TT_Prepare_Locations( TT_Face    face,
                        FT_Stream  stream )
    FT_Error   error;
    FT_Short   LongOffsets;
    FT_ULong   table_len;

    FT_TRACE2(( "Locations " ));
    LongOffsets = face->header.Index_To_Loc_Format;
    error = face->goto_table( face, TTAG_loca, stream, &table_len );
    if ( error )
      error = TT_Err_Locations_Missing;
      goto Exit;

/* <Function> */ /* TT_Find_Location */ /* <Description> */ /* Given a face and a glyph index in that face, returns the */ /* glyph_location entry for that glyph. */ /* <InOut> */ /* face :: A handle to the target face object. */ /* <Input> */ /* index :: glyph index to get location for */ /* <Return> */ /* FT_ULong, which holds the location value */ /* */
  TT_Find_Location( TT_Face    face,
                    FT_UInt    index )
        FT_Byte* p;
        // In case glyph location is 16bit
        if ( face->glyph_locationsShort )
p = (FT_Byte*) ( ((FT_UShort*)face->glyph_locationsPtr) + index );
                return (FT_Long)( FT_GET_USHORT_BE( p ) * 2 );
        // In case glyph location is 32bit
                p = (FT_Byte*) ( face->glyph_locationsPtr + index );
                return (FT_Long)( FT_GET_ULONG_BE( p ) );

Rostoker Nir

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