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[ft] vertical positioning of glyphs from BDF fonts

From: Ingmar Frank
Subject: [ft] vertical positioning of glyphs from BDF fonts
Date: Wed, 06 Jan 2010 17:25:40 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091204 Thunderbird/3.0


currently I am trying to extend our text engine that uses FreeType for glyph rendering. Up to now we've only used TrueType fonts but we also want to be able to use bitmap fonts. Specifically, it is necessary to achieve output that looks the same (or reasonably close) with both kinds of fonts, in the same application. The setup is the following:

- FreeType version: 2.3.11
- TT-Font: DejaVuSansCondensed.ttf
- bitmap font: BDF, source is the same file as above, converted with otf2bdf, 72dpi.

When rendering from a TrueType face, our engine currently uses the scalable font's ascender and descender for vertical positioning. For printing a line of text at the y position 'screenY', each glyph's y position is determined by

  y = screenY + offset

where offset is calculated from the font's ascender, descender and internal leading, minus the value 'top' from FTC_SBit_Rec for each glyph.

Then I've played around with the generated BDF font, and the glyphs themselves look fine (same as when using the TTF file directly). But positioning the glyphs correctly to match the TTF glyphs' y positions seems to be impossible because the ascender, descender and y_scale of the loaded face are zero. That makes sense because according to the documentation these are only valid for scalable formats. The only other information I could find in FT_FaceRec is the FT_Bitmap_Size structure, which only contains the 'height' value which I assume to be calculated from the values FONT_ASCENT and FONT_DESCENT in the generated BDF file. In my example case they are 11 and 2, respectively, and the 'height' value is 13, hence my assumption.

Am I missing something, or is it really not possible to calculate the same y positions for glyphs on the screen for the two cases? I'd be grateful for any hints. Please let me know if you need more details.

Kind regards,
Ingmar Frank

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