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Re: [ft] Clarification about FT_Init_FreeType in a multithreaded environ

From: Ulrich Eckhardt
Subject: Re: [ft] Clarification about FT_Init_FreeType in a multithreaded environment
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 10:16:39 +0200
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Am 12.06.2013 19:02, schrieb Werner LEMBERG:
If you can guarantee that you don't render multiple glyphs at the same
time in parallel, one FT_Library object for all threads certainly
works.  But this is something which I won't call thread-safe (please
correct me if I'm mixing up definitions).

I would call that "thread-safe when used correctly". ;) Since rendering changes internal state of the library object (raster pool), it must not be done concurrently.

So a program with multiple threads should use `FT_New_Library' and
`FT_Done_Library' (instead of `FT_Init_FreeType' and
`FT_Done_FreeType'), providing its own FT_Memory object.

Okay...?  I must admit that I don't fully understand this part of
your answer yet, probably because I don't understand FreeType's
structure enough.  It seems that this also influences my other
approaches above, I'll have to verify that.

`With multiple threads' implies parallel access of FreeType.  I would
be glad if you could formulate this better!

Maybe I can help out here. The sentence that confused me was:

   For multi-threading applications each thread should have
   its own FT_Library object.

which I would replace with:

   In multi-threaded applications, you must make sure that
   you don't access the same FT_Library object or any of
   its children in parallel.

Actually, this paragraph in CHANGES sums it up, too:

    - thread synchronisation  has been dropped, for  the simple reason
      that the library  is already re-entrant, and that  if you really
      need  two  threads accessing  the  same  FT_Library, you  should
      really synchronize access to it yourself with a simple mutex.

I added the reference to the children because the FT_Library object is only one handle into a whole tree of objects (see diagram at the end of, but other objects (faces, glyphs) are also part of the library and must not be used in parallel either (right?).

Thank you for your help!


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